




"I think it's a very COLORFUL existence."

  Billings Gazette
  March 7, 2008


  Billings residents have heard Jade Esteban Estrada's name before. The two-

time Miss Montana USA Pageant performer returns to Billings for a one-man show at Venture Theatre on Friday night.

     Estrada is an actor, a singer, a dancer, a choreographer, a writer, a comedian and an activist. And sometimes, occasionally, he sleeps.

     "I think it's a very colorful existence," he said.

     The award-winning singer was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. He won a scholarship to the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York, studied dance with Slam, the lead dancer from Madonna's "Blonde Ambition" tour.

     "In New York, back in the day, it was mandatory that you do everything, that you get onstage and tell a joke by yourself, do a jete, an arabesque," he said. "I'm from the 1990s in New York, and producers were trying to save money. They didn't want to hire 20 singers and 20 dancers; they were going to hire people who did both."

     In 2002, Estrada turned his talents to the solo theater format with the debut of his one-man show, "ICONS: The Lesbian and Gay History of the World, Vol. 1." With a total of 10 solo shows in his repertoire, Estrada has found himself double-checking to make sure he's not going to go onstage and perform the wrong thing.

     "Sometimes I have to look at the costume I have on before I walk onstage and go, 'Oh, yeah, that one,'" he said.

     However, since it's a one-man show, the performances are fluid.

     "One of the cool things about writing and performing my own work is I can change the entire show on a dime if I wanted to," Estrada said. "I enjoy that artistic liberty, that privilege that I have."

     One thing Estrada doesn't enjoy is the so-called fourth wall, preferring instead to interact with his audiences.

     "I like broken fourth walls in my shows," he said. "It is my wish that my audience members feel they can reach out and touch me at any point. I like that, stopping the show, stopping the song, whatever I'm doing, sitting on someone's lap and saying, 'Are you paying attention?'"



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