good news is
ICONS: The Lesbian and Gay
History of the World, Vol.
held over in Omaha.
Do not miss this if you have not seen it yet.
You will be sorry.
Jade Esteban Estrada
the writer, performer, choreographer of "ICONS" is
a professional and award-winning musician, actor
and dancer. He comes here to Nebraska, gracing
us with this musical jewel about gays and
lesbians in history.
Jade takes on the persona—with singing and
dancing-- of Sappho, Michelangelo, Gertrude
Stein, Ellen DeGeneres, Harvey Milk, Alexander
the Great and others. His slow-motion poetical
movement of Billie Jean King winning the
“Battle of the Sexes” was jaw-dropping.
I would have been sated with just his rendition
of Oscar Wilde (a personal literary favorite),
soft-shoeing it and singing about life “on the
wild side.”
But there was so much more. He transcended sexes
with a dead-on Susan B. Anthony and her
“politics of inclusion.” The grief of
Alexander the Great mourning for Hephaistion was
palpable. He stepped into the shoes and psyche
of Sylvia Rivera, Puerto Rican “street
transvestite action revolutionary” who threw a
shoe at the cops at Stonewall.
I have a personal admission here. I was a bit
hesitant to go to the show at first because I
have been so disappointed in the past with some
New York based acts and that attitude. You
know—“I am from New York and you are not.”
Having lived on both coasts, I do recognize that
snobbery and I guess I just wanted to defend
myself and Nebraskans from any patronage. There
was no snobbery here toward anyone. If anything,
Jade Esteban Estrada is a love-bestowing artist,
a modern-day troubadour who graciously brings
his vast talent to us. The best of art is that
which keeps us going in difficult or dark times.
Such is
Jade’s art. I am going to remember and
savor his Oscar Wilde for a long, long time. In
fact, any time I get a little too stressed.
My advice is to put some gas into the car and
get yourself into Omaha for this repeat
performance. Miss this and you’ll have to wait
until next year when
Jade returns with
Volume 3
of his “Lesbian and Gay History of the
Prairie Sky Journal