The show:
"Curb Your Enthusiam" star Richard Lewis made his San Antonio debut
launched Bruce and Colleen Barshop's new Laugh Out Loud Comedy Club
with a VIP concert on Thursday with comics
Esteban Estrada and Danny Villalpando. Lewis performs
two shows Friday and Saturday nights.
Attendance: About 400
First take: : Brimming
with nervous energy, Richard Lewis hilariously bared his famously
neurotic life. "Judge me, I don't care," said Lewis, 62. Stand-up
comedy's man in black immediately ripped into himself about his
garb. "I look like a Jew marionette from Venus," he said. The man is
known for his rapid-fire, jazz-like riffs that recall Lenny Bruce.
The stream of consciousness comedy connected, despite Lewis
protesting. "I don't have an act." His mind works like a pinball
machine. "You're at the Jack Ruby table?" Lewis asked some young
people sitting near the stage. The star of the show joked about his
physical ailments, marriage, dentists, hernias - and about the way
he picks hotels: "Oversized shower heads." Lewis poked fun at his
Jewish upbringing and Hebrew school. "What kind of weed could they
possibly have been smoking," Lewis said about the authors of the Old
Laughing out loud: Bruce
and Colleen Barshop were exuberant after the show. "It was
fantastic, really great to have a real pro open the club, "Bruce
Barshop said. Lewis, however, couldn't resist kidding the owners on
opening night at the sate of the art venue. "It's always good to
open a club that's only 8 percent built," Lewis said. "It looks like
a mess hall in Afghanistan." About the nightclub's shiny metal
curtain behind the stage: "If they expect me to play the (expletive)
harp, forget it!" he said.
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