




ESTRADA may be BEST known for his solo shows...

  San Antonio Express-News
  Photo by  RON ABRAMS
  July 16, 2010

Jade Esteban Estrada 


   A part of director Chadd Green is hoping that some of his "Rumors" actors aren't


 able to go on during the show's run.


        He doesn't wish any of them ill, understand - he'd just like to see understudy Alexander Berkowitz get a chance.


        "He's a marvelous actor," said Green, who's directing the show for the Renaissance Guild and PrimaDonna Productions, Inc. "In part of my mind, I hope that he gets a chance to shine."


        Berkowitz's presence onstage also would shift some of the dynamics a bit. See, Berkowitz is understudying the women's roles, so if he goes on, one of the couples will be a same-sex pair.


        "It was an idea I had whenever I was casting it; I had men and women come in and read for a particular role - it would be a man named Casey or a woman named Cassie. He came in and read for the gay man, and he was great, he blew me away. The only problem was, I needed to cast his opposite, and the only people I really liked didn't work with him."


        Berkowitz will get to go on even if no one has to bow out for a night. He's playing a small role of a police officer and will be partnered with various local celebrities playing the other officer. Opening night, it'll be actor Jade Esteban Estrada; one-time "Survivor" competitor Rita Verreos and comedian Roman Garcia also have been lined up.



        "Rumors" is about a dinner party in which the guests arrive to find evidence that things have gone horribly awry erlier in teh evening, including a missing hostess and a host with a gunshot wound (hence the eventual presence of the cops).


        Neil Simon wrote and set the story in the '80s, but Green decided to give it a contemporary spin.



        "We updated some references and some lines, and a lot of the mainstream social commentary we kind of left out," he said.



        Working on the piece has been a lot of fun: "Every rehearsal is just a blast," he said. "We're laughing the whole time. If the audience laughs half as much as we do, it's well worth the money."


©2010 San Antonio Express-News

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