one-man show, a television program and a heterosexual
child made
people of all sexual orientations
feel safe and secure to be themselves Saturday.
The 14th annual True Colors Conference was held at
Central Connecticut State University. True Colors is the
largest, statewide nonprofit organization that works
with lesbians, bisexuals, transgender, intersex, and
those questioning their sexuality in the United States.
The group's mission is to "create a world where youth,
adults, and families of all sexual orientations and
gender identities are valued and affirmed," according to
Robin McHaelen, founder of True Colors.
The shinning moment of the conference for McHealen was
when a heterosexual child approached her.
have never felt so safe. Everyone is very free to be
themselves," the child told McHealen. That is exactly
what McHalean wants, a "safe world" for all sexual
But, the boy is important to McHealen. "We need allies,"
she said, so, people of all sexual orientation can get
the equal services that they need.
The world and the culture are changing. Yunes Yussef,
True Colors secretary, said children are coming out at
ages as young as 12.
But, these kids especially need support from their
families and sometimes that does not happen.
"You have to have a force behind you," Yussef said. He
said the road is a lot tougher for those who come out
and are not supported by loved ones. He said those
children are at a higher risk for violence,
homelessness, suicide and substance abuse.
But with a little support, "they will feel safer,"
Yussef said.
Over a thousand people attended the conference's opening
presentation Saturday and they came from everywhere.
People came from Utah, Chicago, Oregon, Seattle and even
California, True Colors officials said. McHealen added
that every state in the Northeast and 60 percent of the
towns in Connecticut were represented at the conference.
And McHealen said gay, intersex, lesbian and
heterosexual kids (middle and high school age) and
adults were all in attendance.
When people arrived at CCSU, they were treated to an
opening ceremony and a one-man show about historical gay
Jade Esteban Estrada transformed on stage
into Michelangelo, Oscar Wilde, Gertrude Stein and
Sylvia Rae Rivera.
Rivera was a transgender activist who threw her shoe at
New York Police for equal rights.
Estrada was surprised at how many people did
not know who Rivera was.
Estrada discussed how it is important to
"expose" these subjects with both the "queer community"
and the heterosexual community.
Estrada, a standup comedian and recording artist, talked
about the differences between being gay today and in the
1960s and 1970s. He said back in the 1960s and 1970s,
the queer community went to gay bars and were secretive
about their sexuality.
"There was a shame factor,"
Estrada said. But, now the
queer community is out in full-force holding events like
gay hikes.
also said one of the most important points in gay
history was the television show, "Will and Grace." The
show featured two homosexual men and two heterosexual
women who were all friends. The series helped change
some women's perspectives of gays.
Estrada said heterosexual women now approach him after
each show and want to be friends. When before he was not
given the time of day.
Estrada sees more changes. For example, McHaelen said
back 20 years ago, there were four organizations like
True Colors in the country, and now there are 100.
Another example was when he brought up the subject of a
woman running for president (Hilary Clinton).
"People have not even batted an eye,"
Estrada said.
People like
Estrada and McHaelen can hope for the day
when they do not need to educate people on Sylvia
Rivera. Because maybe, they will all ready know who she