




"Compared to European countries, AMERICA is so conservative."

  Latin celebrity brings high-energy vibes to Pride 2000 events
  Utica Observer-Dispatch
  Photo by EVAN COHEN
  June 1, 2000


  Jade Esteban Estrada has a theory that people have $100 of life to spend. If

that's true, he's putting $110 into his performances.

     "If you put $100 into asserting who you  are, you'll do it and very successful at it because you're spending all of your money there," he said. "I'm not spending any money on romance or love. I'm putting my money elsewhere."

     The "money" is being spent on Estrada's high-energy Jokers Are Wild Tour 2000. Friday, June 2, he will be performing twice at the Pride 2000: Gay Pride in Utica, New York event.

     Estrada's Utica performances will be stripped down from his larger shows such as the one he'll do in Syracuse June 17.

     "I'm not bringing any of my dancers to Utica," he said. "It's a different vibe. I'm there to keep everybody up."

     Events like Utica's are second nature to Estrada who is performing at nine gay pride events on his tour.

     "I've always been supported by the gay population and I have always supported them in return," Estrada said. "I'm very liberal-thinking on stage, in my though and in my performance." 

     "I have a better time at gay prides," he said. "They just jam, and that's what it's all about."

     If by performing at gay prides he's pushing buttons, that's more than fine with him.

     Estrada tries to use his influence as a Hispanic celebrity to stand up for social injustices, he said. Compared to many European countries, America is "so conservative. We try to be so puritanical."

     Pushing buttons and delivering the message that dream really can come true are part of his songs.

     "I've wanted to be a composer and singer since I was a boy," he said. "When I was little that was totally what I wanted to be."

     For the next decade and a half, he would perform on Broadway, record songs and become a jack of all trades - singing, dancing, choreographing, directing and writing.

     "My definite vibe is, I had a dream - and it's an every day normal life for me - but I'm living my dream," Estrada said. "When I'm on stage. I'm the perfect example of being able to it just if you decide to do it.

     "Sure, I've had hardships, sure, I've had obstacles," he said. "But nothing's tried to stop me. I'm just doing what I love."



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