came to show their pride — many wearing T-shirts supporting their sexual
orientation — and to network, talk politics and people-watch.
About 2,000 people — not all gay,
lesbian, bisexual or transgendered — attended the Houston Pride
Festival centered along Yoakum and Lovett on Saturday. Many brought
their children.
"The festival is an opportunity to
show off the size, strength and diversity of our community. It's an
empowering experience to see the vast number of GLBTs in Houston,"
said Nick Brines, president of Pride Houston, which organized the event.
City Controller Annise Parker, who is
openly gay, challenged participants to work to defeat a statewide
referendum that would prohibit same-sex marriage. And as gay Latin
Jade Esteban Estrada
crooned on stage, volunteer Jeff Arndt signed interested couples up for
a 2006 mass same-sex wedding ceremony.
Good friends and softball buddies Rich
Pursell and Kenneth Collins said they were motivated to get involved in
gay and lesbian political issues, including being allowed to be foster
parents, adopt children and get married.
"It's been a tough year,"
said Pursell. "I came to get activated. I signed up for a couple of
things. It gives me a chance to get off my butt and do something."
"With the Republicans in office
and the religious right, that's why I'm out here to show unity. To show
that we have a voice," said Collins.
Jo Baugus said she came to the festival
with her partner, Sue, to listen to music and see people they hadn't
seen in a while. But she was disappointed that it wasn't larger.
"I wish it was more streets. It
looks like a last-minute thrown-together event," she said.
Brines said this was a building year
for the festival. Organizers hope to see it become as well-attended as
the highly successful night Pride Parade. He said 800 advance tickets
were sold for the festival, double what they expected.
"It's the first year for us to do
a festival, so we're learning too. We wanted to do a medium-sized
festival," said Brines. "We expect for it to get bigger and
Brines said that next year, they hope
to expand the festival to more streets.
Sheri Duman and her partner Tiffani
Snider made it a family outing for their three children. After attending
the festival, they set up chairs three hours early for the parade.
Duman said they attended the events
because they felt comfortable there. "We can be united without
people giving us a hard time," she said. "Today we can come
here and relax and not feel isolated or laughed at."
Houston Chronicle