




...a DRAMATIC showcase...

  The Juniatan
  Photo by  DANIEL W. TORRES
  February 5, 2007


  "Tortilla Heaven," a one-person play starring Jade Esteban Estrada, will be

performed at Juniata College at 7:30 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 11 in Rosenberger Auditorium in the Halbritter Center for the Performing Arts on the Juniata campus.

     The production, sponsored by the Juniata College Spanish Club, is free for college employees, students with ID, and for children 12 and under. There is a $5 general admission charge for viewers not in those categories.

     The production, which runs about 70 minutes, will be followed by a question-and-answer session with Estrada. The production is bilingual and appropriate for all ages and linguistic abilities.

     "Tortilla Heaven" gives Estrada a dramatic showcase where he plays seven different characters, including a grandmother and an 11-year-old boy. The play focuses on 11-year-old Charlie, who speaks only English at home, but suddenly must become bilingual when he goes to live with his grandmother.

     The play is written by Celeste Angela Estrada and directed by David Miguel Estrada.

     Jade Esteban Estrada has performed in a variety of roles before concentrating on acting. He started as a choreographer for the entertainer Charo and also performed backup vocals for the teen pop group the Back Street Boys.

     He has had a variety of film and television roles, including roles in the NBC series "Friday Night Lights" and Comedy Central's "The Graham Norton Effect." He also is featured in the films "The Bad Singer" and "The Blue Note".

     Celeste Angela Estrada is the sister of Jade Estrada. As a playwright, she has received the 2004 Gertrude Stein Literary Award for Best Play and the 2006 Award of Merit from the Women's Studies Institute at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

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