December 31, 2014

Fredericksburg, Texas


Happy New Year, everyone! Tonight I am spending the occasion performing - na klar - at Vaudeville Supperclub in Fredericksburg, Texas with my fellow Jigglewatts Burlesque Revue sisters. I have so much for which to be thankful. Some of my favorite all-time performance moments happened in 2014. I would be nothing without the fans and supporters who have paved this way for me. Grateful, grateful, grateful!

Happy New Year!

All my love,







December 27, 2014

Dallas, Texas


Well, tonight was my last show at House of Blues for a while! Oh, Dallas, I will miss you all while I'm in Australia! Thank you for a year full of memories! Don't forget to moisturize!

All my love,







December 26, 2014

Houston, Texas


Two sold-out shows tonight at House of Blues in Houston! I'm going to miss this place and this show! Our guests tonight were Bettina May and Grace Gotham from New York. I've worked with Bettina May a few times but this was a first for Grace and I - what an amazing performer! Here is our cast photo by Jeremy Pierson:


The official site of Jade Esteban Estrada


Houston, I'll see you again on 2/28 at Prohibition Supper Club! Keep the light on for me while I'm Down Under!

All my love,





December 23, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


Tonight was my final show before Christmas and what better way to end it than headlining at Rivercenter Comedy Club! What packed house for a Tuesday night! Thank you to Anthony Torino for making it happen. Merry Christmas to everyone!

All my love,







December 19, 2014

Austin, Texas


Tonight's show in Austin was SOLD OUT! The closing night of our production of Holiday Ball 2014 at the Gibson Guitar Lounge at Maggie Mae's was one of the best. I'm happy with the way the story How Burlesque Saved Christmas turned out! Our cast tonight included Coco Lectric, Ruby Joule, Something Blue, Layna D'Luna, Jolie Goodnight and our special guest Fox Mia. Our live band was of course incredible.

Thank you to all of our fans who have supported us for two years now. We hope to see you 1/2/15!

All my love,






December 14, 2014

Austin, Texas


This evening I was back at the Austin Academy of Burlesque to teach a pair of acting classes for the Holiday Semester. The performers who come out of this academy are so motivated, it really is a honor to be their guide at this stage in their careers. I'm back at AAB on 1/4 for dance workshops. What an awesome way to start the year pre-Australia. Here's a nice post from Diana Ivy:


The official site of Jade Esteban Estrada
Photo courtesy of DIANA IVY


After class, I was able to make the Maggie Mae's Holiday Staff Party! I've been performing for two years at this venue - I guess I'm staff now!

Also, I'm pleased as punch that my Glitter Political interview with Diego Bernal is doing so well at Will he make it to Austin?

All my love,






December 12, 2014

Austin, Texas


Tonight I performed at the Gibson Guitar Lounge at Maggie Mae's in Austin. Now I 've been a part of many burlesque shows in my day, but tonight was by far the most fun. An actual storyline for the show was written. The title of the story is How Burlesque Saved Christmas. It's hilarious! Standing O! The cast for this evening's show included Coco Lectric, Ruby Joule, Lola LeStrange, Something Blue, Layna D'Luna, Fox Mia and myself. The bunnies where Charlotte Fever (who I'm proud to say was one of my students at the Austin Academy of Burlesque this year) and Bunny Fifi. Our band members were Matt on drums, Brian Vose on bass and Tyler Mabry on keyboard. We have one final performance of this show next week and I must admit, it will be missed! Here is a pic of Ruby, Coco and I:


Ruby Joule, Jade Esteban Estrada and Coco Lectric star in "How Burlesque Saved Christmas"



Fast away this old year is passing. So many good things are in store for 2015!

All my love,








December 6, 2014

Charlotte, North Carolina


What a night! My final boylesque performance of the year had an unexpected twist. Being crowned the 2015 King of the Great Southern Exposure is a memory I will always cherish. Thank you so much, Charlotte! This is my third award for my Napoleon Bonaparte act. I am so grateful that audiences have enjoyed my European History nerd fest!


Pretty Boy Rock, 2015 King of the Great Southern Exposure Burlesque Festival


It was so great seeing Miss Theresa. She won the award for Edgiest Performance. My queen for the year is Tora Torrid from the Greater Goddess Society of Atlanta, Egypt Blaque Knyle won Princess of the Great Southern Exposure, Dante Inferno won Prince of the Great Southern Exposure, Most Glamourous went to Apathy Angel from New York, Most Classic went to Lucy Buttons, Best Group went to the Greater Atlanta Goddess Society, Funniest went to Meredith Sparkles, Best Variety went to Scarlet Starlet and Mamma's Choice went to Miss Satine from Italy.

I have been blessed beyond measure in this life. Tonight was another great show biz experience to remember.


All my love,





December 5, 2014

Austin, Texas


Opening night of Holiday Ball 2014 was a complete success! Thank you to everyone who came to see the show and a big, big thank you to our JiggleBell Band! What an honor to sing with a live band again. The last times I remember performing with live musicians was in Japan at Ocean Dome, Germany in Starlight Express and New York with the production of Tropical! A Latin Revue which I choreographed. Jolie Goodnight and Coco Lectric put a lot of hard work and effort into making a live band experience a reality. They are the best!

Okay, no rest for the wicked! I'm off to Charlotte, North Carolina for the 2014 Great Southern Exposure Burlesque Festival. It's going to feel good to be Napoleon Bonaparte again!

All my love,








December 2, 2014

Austin, Texas


Tonight was our first rehearsal for the Jigglewatts' Holiday Ball at the Gibson Guitar Lounge at Maggie Mae's in Austin. I have to be honest with you. It has been a long time since I've worked with such a proficient live band. I 'm going to really love this experience - a musical experience we will also have in Australia next month. I'm also getting to sing Hard Candy Christmas from The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. I 've always wanted to sing that song.

Today my interview with actor Cheyenne Jackson, star of the new film The One I Wrote for You, was published in Out in SA Magazine. Check it out here.


Jade Esteban Estrada interviews Cheyenne Jackson
Courtesy of OUT-IN-SA.COM



See you soon, Austin and Charlotte!

All my love,





November 29, 2014

Dallas, Texas


Both shows tonight at House of Blues in Dallas were filled with the best audiences ever!

I feel like I'm taking more from this life than I ought to take. These four shows at House of Blues in Houston and Dallas went by so quickly! Every night my job is to make beautiful strangers laugh and entertain them with song. My cup runneth over with blessings. These lovely fans caught me as I was leaving my dressing room and asked to take a photo with me. Dallas is really full of awesome fans. I will miss them when I go to Australia.


The official site of Jade Esteban Estrada
Photo courtesy of JEFF LUCIDO


It's time to finish my piece on Cheyenne Jackson. See you next month, Dallas! Happy Holidays!

All my love,






November 28, 2014

Houston, Texas


What a joy it was to be reunited with the dazzling showgirls of the Ruby Revue and to be back at House of Blues in Houston! Our special guest was Stormy Gayle from New Orleans and she really put on quite a show! I will always love those Houston audiences! They love to laugh!

Next stop: Dallas, Texas!

All my love,






November 13, 2014

Amsterdam, The Netherlands


The CMA Zaal is a beautiful, 1890s-retro venue that really makes one feel like they were in an industrial time capsule. The building dates back to 1893 and was meter base for he city's gas company.

After being reunited with fellow-American Vince V Vice, I headed to rehearsal and met all of the performers for the night's show. Here is a sketch of our stellar cast. I'm the third from the right - in the Napoleon hat.


The official site of Jade Esteban Estrada
Illustration by KOES KOMO


The audience was absolutely wonderful meaning the laughs came in the right places. Many thanks to Koes Komo who has contributed to my art gallery with these sketches.


The official site of Jade Esteban Estrada
Illustration by KOES KOMO


Tonight was one of the best nights of this season. Thank you, Holland! Until next time!

All my love,






November 12, 2014

Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Global settings enabled! Under an ashen sky, I made my way to the Van Gogh Museum. I'll surmise that it was about every four hours that I crossed paths with English-speakers. Most of the time, they were British.



Meanwhile, back in America, my Glitter Political interview with former TV anchor Sylvia Rincon is published today in the San Antonio Current.

Tomorrow night is the Amsterdam Burlesque Festival! I'm getting excited!

All my love,



November 8, 2014

Corpus Christi, Texas


So it turns out that my Corpus Christi burlesque friends were having a birthday party for Rosie Rawhyde this evening before my show! I was so happy I was able to stop by for a little while! I love these girls! Here's a pic of us all with a lot less makeup on than usual. Rosie is the one wearing a sombrero in observance of my people:


The official site of Jade Esteban Estrada
Photo courtesy of ROSIE RAWHYDE


Tonight was my last performance in America before heading to Europe. I had such a great time headlining Chuckles Comedy Club this weekend - I did over an hour on stage tonight! That's what I call a good time. Here is a delicious pic with one of my sweetest fans in Corpus Christi, Abby Quinonez:


The official site of Jade Esteban Estrada
Photo courtesy of ABBY QUINONEZ


Farewell, Corpus! Goodbye, America! Until we meet again! And Happy Birthday, Rosie!

All my love,





November 7, 2014

Corpus Christi, Texas


"Well, well, well," as my Uncle Raymond says with his singular flair. Tonight was a very diverse night of comedy at Chuckles Comedy Club in Corpus Christi. For the first time I got to share the stage with Chingo Bling who puts on a very good show. We also had every Hispanic comedian in Texas doing a guest set! It was more like a little comedy festival! I had a great time! Here is a pic of me (right) with Aldo Caldo from Austin in our luxurious outdoor green room. He is taking my glamour tips class!


The official site of Jade Esteban Estrada
Photo courtesy of ALDO CALDO


It's always nice when I'm able to spend more than one day at a venue!

See you tomorrow night, Corpus!

All my love,







November 2, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


What a night! I was so pleased and honored to be invited to judge the first Mr. Latino Gay San Antonio Pageant at the Bonham Exchange tonight. I have performed and competed on that very stage many times so I was happy see a new generation make their way to the stage in all their millenial glory. Congratulations to Fernando Hernandez for winning the big title. I was a little humbled by the experience knowing that my next few boylesque performances would be competitions and I would be judged in pretty much the same way. Here's a pic of Fernando in his swimwear entry:


The official site of Jade Esteban Estrada

Mr. Latino Gay San Antonio Fernando Hernandez

Courtesy photo


Fernando's win was a rousing way to end my Halloween tour. It's been quite a week! Next stop: Corpus Christi!

All my love,







November 2, 2014

San Diego, California


Wow! Shows all week and I'm still not done! Last night's Dia de los Muertos show in San Diego was a ton of fun. I can't wait to come back! Years ago, I almost moved here. I guess I was attracted to the cool breezes and somewhat relaxed atmosphere. If you want to make God laugh, make some plans!

So this morning I was wondering why all the Southwest Airlines employees were dressed up like cowboys and cowgirls. It's two days after Halloween so it kind of didn't make sense to me. Turns out that Wright Amendment is officially abolished and SWA can now do non-stop flights from San Diego to Dallas Love Field. As luck would have it, I'm on the very first flight of that kind. Hee-haw! Congrats to SWA! I even got a cookie on the jetway. It's the little things, mein Herr.


The official site of Jade Esteban Estrada


Next stop: San Antonio!

All my love,






October 31, 2014

Dallas, Texas


What a fantastic couple of shows of burlesque and stand-up comedy at House of Blues! Our special guest tonight was Russell Bruner from Portland. I will be seeing him in Perth, Australia next year as well.

Thank you to everyone who came to the show and big thank you to House of Blues for always giving us the star treatment!

Tomorrow I will be doing a private event in San Diego, California and then Sunday, I'm back in San Antonio for the Mr. Latino Gay San Antonio Pageant. I think I need to take some vitamins.

All my love,







October 30, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


Tonight was the interview portion of the 2014 Mr. Latino Gay San Antonio Pageant at the SA Country Saloon. There is some pretty stiff competition going on in this competition! Lots of references to Wendy Davis and equality were thrown around, as one would expect. When asked how they would define the word "gay" to someone, a few contestants were compelled to defend being gay rather than define it. I didn't know we were still doing that. Yet one of the gents is in the military. Times are changing, indeed.


Jade Esteban Estrada - Classes and workshops


It was a pleasure to work with all my fellow judges and I look forward to seeing everyone for the final event at the Bonham Exchange on Sunday!

All my love,




October 29, 2014

McAllen Texas


What could be scarier than spending part of your Halloween Week in the Rio Grande Valley? I know I always have a good time on tour, but this week, I wanted to have a really good time since the week is filled with performances alongside my favorite people. It was a blast! Here is a photo of some comics, some staff and some fans at the after party:


Comedian Jade Esteban Estrada with fans at Cine El Rey Theatre in McAllen, Texas
Photo courtesy of CINE EL REY


Thank you, McAllen, for another great time at the Historic Cine El Rey Theatre! Happy Halloween Week!

All my love,





October 18, 2014

Houston, Texas


Oh, Bayou City! Thank you for making the Ruby Revue Burlesque and Variety Show the longest-running, recurring show at House of Blues Houston! Tonight was our 4th Anniversary Show and we got to bring it to you LIVE from the Music Hall! It was so exciting! Thank you to Chris McDaniel and Elle Dorado for joining us!


Jade Esteban Estrada and the Ruby Revue


Our next show is 11/28. You don't want to miss that one! I love you, Houston!

All my love,





October 17, 2014

Austin, Texas


Tonight was opening night of Jiggle-Con, a celebration of comic books and cosplay starring your friendly neighborhood Jigglewatts Burlesque Revue.'s like this. I owe every cosplay nerd I've ever made fun in my life a huge apology - I LOVE COSPLAY! I also had no idea how many people actively hate Aquaman. Poor dude. Crime-fighting cast members tonight included Lola LeStrange, Ruby Joule, Coco Lectric and Ruby Lamb. Eureka Smoke and Bunny Fifi were our pick-up artists. Here's a post-show selfie of Eureka and I right before we took over the galaxy.


Jade Esteban Estrada and Eureka Smoke at Jiggle-Con in Austin
Photo courtesy of EUREKA SMOKE


As your pompous, worldly master of foul play, I got to sing the Spider-man theme song to open and reprise Skyfall (I guess James Bond flicks count as cosplay) for the top of the second act. I really hope we do this them again very soon.

Oh, and this is fun news! Our brand-new Jigglewatts Burlesque Revue 2015 calendars are now on sale at our merchandise table. I'm September! I got to sign my first one tonight. You should get one at our next show.

See you next month, Austin for One Enchanted Evening 11/21!

All my love,







October 17, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


There is a lot of excitement at the Alamo Lounge at KTSA News Talk 550 for the Raul Jimenez Thanksgiving Dinner Radiothon! The event, now in its 35th year, serves a hearty meal on Thanksgiving Day to San Antonio's elderly, homeless and underprivileged population. Thank you to Patricia Jimenez, Jack Riccardi and Taylor James Johnson for having me on. You have until 7:00 p.m. (Central) to call in and make your donation! Volunteers are standing by! * 210-654-5151 *


Jade Esteban Estrada at the Raul Jimenez Thanksgiving Day Radiothon


On my way to Austin, for Jiggle-Con! Gadzooks!

All my love,





October 15, 2014

Austin, Texas


How lovely it was to spend an afternoon with theatre people. Lola LeStrange and I put our Jigglewatts Burlesque Revue promotional hats on to guest on Off Stage and On the Air KOOP FM 91.7 in Austin with Lisa Scheps and Nicole Shiro. It was a treat it to catch up on current Broadway revivals and meet playwright (and fellow-San Antonian) Gregory Perrin of the Pollyanna Theatre Company. Thanks to Lisa and Nicole for having us!

All my love,






October 11, 2014

Canyon Lake, Texas


What an honor to have been chosen once again to be the first headliner for Tripp's Comedy Club's opening night! Bobby Henline was my feature and he absolutely killed it. I love this man. If you have not watched his PBS special, I highly recommend it. Special thanks to all the fans who came out in droves and to Tripp Marsalis for having such faith in me.

All my love,





September 30, 2014

Austin, Texas


Tonight I traveled to Austin to see my students from the Austin Academy of Burlesque in their Fall Showcase and I'm so glad I was able to attend. It was a gorgeous show filled with magical moments and I couldn't be more pleased. Here is a cast pic with us instructors in the back row compliments of Electra Mourning.


Jade Esteban Estrada at the Austin Academy of Burlesque Fall Showcase in Austin


Due to my upcoming Australian tour, I shall return to AAB in early 2015. I hope to come back with an accent.

It's time to get ready for the 5th Annual Gong Shorts Competition! That's happening tomorrow in San Antonio.

Until next time, Austin.

All my love,





September 27, 2014

Dallas, Texas


Tonight was night #2 of the 1st Annual Latin Burlesque Festival in Dallas. The line-up featured Lotus Blossoms from El Paso, Buck Wylde, May May, The Murder Ballads from Dallas and Fat Bottom Cabaret and Chola Magnolia from Austin. Ruby Joule headlined with her 1920s number.

Congratulations to all the winners!

All my love,





September 26, 2014

Dallas, Texas


What an exciting night! Tonight was the first night of the 1st Annual Latin Burlesque Festival - an international celebration of culture and sex appeal - at the Historic Texas Theatre in Dallas. I'm so glad that I was invited to emcee this first-event! Our headliners for the evening were Ruby Champagne of Los Angeles and the incomparable Kitten Natividad - who I absolutely adore.

The line-up tonight featured Siren Saint Sin from El Paso, Lily Le Croix from Dallas and Ophelia Cox from Eureka, California.

All my love,






September 23, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


Today was another excellent day of classes at the Acting Master Class Series! This evening, we were blessed with an added treat! My good friend Jerry Rabushka from St. Louis sent some of his latest plays as a belated birthday gift. Here is student Huxley Rain Garrett with a few new gems for my library:


Huxley Rain Garrett in Jade Esteban Estrada's Acting Master Class


One of my greatest joys has been to teach what I know about theatre and dance to up-and-coming performers like Huxley. Thank s to Jerry for supporting the cause!

All my love,







September 19, 2014

Austin, Texas


Tonight was such a fantastic welcome back party! It was so nice to be backstage and on stage with my fellow Jigglewatts once again. We've collectively received a few awards since we've last been together! Thank you to the readers of the Austin Chronicle for naming us Best Cabaret/Burlesque Troupe of 2014!

In the line-up this evening we had Coco Lectric, Ruby Joule, Lola LeStrange, Layna D'Luna and Jolie Goodnight. Our bunnies were Eureka Smoke and Bunny Fifi.

Our theme this month has been "Endless Summer" and I sang "Rio" and "Margaritaville." I finally know the words to that song!

I'll see you again in October, Austin!

All my love,





September 17, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


Today was my birthday! My niece, now 5, knows that I'm older than her. She just didn't know by how much. When I told her I was about to be six, I didn't know she was heading up Uncle Jade's birthday cake-making committee.


Jade Esteban Estrada's birthday cake


All my love,






September 16, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


This afternoon, after my performance of Tortilla Heaven, a gentleman asked me during the Spanish-only Q & A if it was common to see San Antonians putting butter on their tortillas. He seemed quite surprised when I told him that it was! Thank you to the Maryland-based company L-3 STRATIS for inviting me once again to entertain the employees taking part in your Spanish-language program. Who doesn't love performing in a ballroom?


Solo theatre artist Jade Esteban Estrada performs the one-man show "Tortilla Heaven" in San Antonio, Texas.


Time and time again, both my cousin Christina and I observe that "joy is our family tradition." We laugh A LOT in our family. So much that our cheeks and head hurt afterwards. We eat, and sometimes, we laugh again. We learned this from my grandmother - who turned 94 today.


Photo by Jade Esteban Estrada


Today, I feel nothing but joy. 

All my love,






September 13, 2014

Dallas, Texas


Tonight was another special night at House of Blues in Dallas. The energy in the crowd was insane! Our special guest once again was Tammi Tru who sat in the VIP section. Once again, our headliner was Donna Hood. We wish her the best of luck when she competes for the title of Queen of Burlesque at the New Orleans Burlesque Festival next week!

All my love,






September 12, 2014

Houston, Texas


Another two shows down at House of Blues in Houston. Our special guest was Donna Hood from Los Angeles.

All my love,







September 7, 2014

Austin, Texas


I taught three dance classes today! I haven't done that in years! Thank you to all the students who attended my classes today at the Austin Academy of Burlesque. I'm so I look forward to seeing their showcase performance on 9/30 at Maggie Mae's in Austin! As always, thank you to Coco Lectric for inviting me to teach at AAB. It's been a great experience.

My next dance master class will take place in sunny Jamaica at the Caribbean Burlesque Festival! My hamstrings will be feelin' it tomorrow!

All my love,





September 6, 2014

Corpus Christi, Texas


Here's to another successful show at House of Rock in Corpus Christi! Tonight was our Cocktails After Dark production and it was SO much fun to do jokes about drinks and alcohol.

Thank you to the After Dark Burlesque Revue for always giving me the star treatment and an army of backstage support to help keep the show running smoothly. I couldn't do it without them!

Our headliners for the night were Coco Lectric and Jett Adore of Chicago's Stage Door Johnnies. Yes, I mentioned before that I was the only person in the galaxy who was going to share the stage with all three Johnnies this weekend. What an honor! We also had the pleasure of having Goldie Candela from Austin and Dominique Trixx from Chicago in the line-up.

The special treats were plentiful. My comedian friends Alex Ansel aka KOOL AID and Michael Suarez came over to say hello after their show at Chuckles Comedy Club. It was nice to see them again. I'll be headlining Chuckles Comedy Club November 7-8.

Could I ever stop saying how much I love working with Rosie Rawhyde and Maye Applebottom? I'm not sure that I can. Oh, and also, they have been kind enough to bring me back to House of Rock in January. I can't wait to see them again!

I'll see you in a couple of months, Sparkling City by the Sea!

All my love,






September 5, 2014

Fort Lauderdale, Florida


On my way to the master classes for the festival I ran into Siren Santina from Knoxville. When I saw her number in the show I was knocked off my feet! What a voice!

All my love,





September 4, 2014

Fort Lauderdale, Florida


I flew into Fort Lauderdale a day early - which is something I never seem to have the luxury of doing due to tight scheduling - and I'm so glad I did. I got to tech early in the afternoon. It was there I met the beautiful Ophelia Flame from Minneapolis. What a gorgeous woman! She and I ended up chatting and, my goodness, what a fascinating person. I'm so glad I met her.

When I finally logged on my computer, I saw the news that made my heart fall to the floor. Joan Rivers is dead at 81. I'd heard that she'd been ill so I was aware of the possibility. It was this woman who inspired me to do stand-up comedy. I read her book Enter Talking and I learned so much about show business. I appreciated that she shared so many her mistakes in her life, her marriage and her career. I am utterly heartbroken. RIP, you wonderful woman.

Also, this just in: I just got word that I've been selected to perform at the 2014 Great Southern Exposure Burlesque and Variety Pageant on 12/6 in Charlotte, North Carolina! Pretty Boy Rock rides again! See you soon, Queen City!

All my love,






September 2, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


I can't believe it's already time for the 5th Annual Gong Shorts Film Competition. Time really flies, doesn't it? This morning, I had my first television interview on San Antonio Living on WOAI-TV Channel 4 with Shelly Miles. It was nice to be back in their studios. I'm looking forward to seeing all the filmmakers on October 1, 2014.

All my love,






August 31, 2014

Austin, Texas


Thank you to everyone who attended my acting classes yesterday at the Austin Academy of Burlesque. What a blessing to work with such talented performers! On 9/7, I'll return to the AAB for my Dance Master Class and I cordially invite you to attend! Happy Labor Day, everyone!

All my love,






August 30, 2014

Dallas, Texas


I must say, this year's favorite venue for me has been the Cambridge Room at House of Blues. It has been such a great year working with the Ruby Revue and I'm looking forward to continuing this pastie partnership in 2015. Here we are after our final show with Angie Pontani - Miss Exotic World 2008! Photo by Karlo X. Ramos.


Jade Esteban Estrada with the Ruby Revue and special guest Angie Pontani


Thank you to Clint, our main dude at House of Blues, for making everything happen. He's my hero even though he's always trying to guess my age.

I was disappointed that my tour schedule prevented me from catching the Lila Downs concert in San Antonio. However, as fate would have it, Ms. Downs was playing at House of Blues in Dallas tonight in the next showroom! She sounded great from our dressing room! Check out our interview in the San Antonio Current.

I have to get some rest before flying to Austin to teach two Acting Master Classes at the Austin Academy of Burlesque. What a great way to end a fantastic week!

All my love,






August 29, 2014

Houston, Texas


Due to my tour schedule, I've not been back to make funny with my House of Blues audiences in Houston since June so tonight was a happy reunion indeed! It was also great to join forces with my partner in crime Miss V Haven (pictured below) and the showgirls of the Ruby Revue for two SOLD OUT shows.


Jade Esteban Estrada and Miss V Haven at House of Blues in Houston


Our special guest tonight was Miss Exotic World 2008 Angie Pontani from Brooklyn, New York. She's a dream and absolutely mesmerizing to watch on stage.

Tomorrow night is our return to House of Blues in Dallas, Texas - and this week Austin, Fort Lauderdale and Corpus Christi.

All my love,





August 27, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


Today my interview with Grammy-winner Lila Downs was published in the San Antonio Current. Here's a photo of her by Johnny Lopera.


Jade Esteban Estrada's interview with Lila Downs


All my love,






August 23, 2014

Tucson, Arizona


What a great weekend at Laffs Comedy Caffe in Tucson, Arizona! This is my second engagement there and I want to thank Omar Tarango for recommending me for this club.

Erik Escobar from Los Angeles was our host and Darryl Rhoades was my headliner. Before the first show on Friday, Darryl told me that he'd seen some interviews of mine on YouTube - interviews about my philosophy on show business. What a great compliment from such a great comic.

It was so nice to see Paco Fish, Rambo Reza, Lola Torch and some of the fabulous performers of the Tucson burlesque crowd who came to the show. It was great to seem them.

All my love,






August 18, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


Between rehearsals for my Tucson shows this weekend, I spoke to Grammy award-winning singer Lila Downs who's coming to San Antonio for a performance at the Majestic Theatre on 8/31. One of the quotes she gave me I found particularly interesting.

“When I was younger, I was concerned about being taken seriously [so] I didn't like it when guys were checking me out. I wasn't into that part of my sexuality. I became kind of like a 'man-woman.' That's the way we kind of defined it in Indian terms. And as I've gotten older, I keep bringing up the hemline, you know? And opening the cleavage more and more." - Lila Downs


Jade Esteban Estrada interviews Lila Downs


My interview with her will appear in next week's issue of the San Antonio Current. The photo above is by Johnny Lopera.

All my love,






August 15, 2014

Cambridge, Massachusetts


What a night! I was thrilled, honored and shocked to receive the 2014 Beautiful Weirdo Award at the TA-TAS: The Alterna-TEASE Awards Spectaular tonight in Cambridge!

It was so great to share the stage with Ginny Nightshade and the sizzlin' hot Matt Knife (whose Honey Badger number was freakin' hilarious), Lefty Lucy, Arabella Allure, Vivienne LaFlamme, Mary Widow, Vanil LaFrappe, Rogue Burlesque, Lucky Charming, the Slaughterhouse Sweethearts, Ula Uberbusen, Dot Mitzvah, the Lipstick Criminals, Kelzey QuickLee, Fancy Feast, Claude Kitten, Butch Sassidy, Essence Revealed, Bunny Buxom, Fem Bones, Lolli Hoops, Jane Doe, Femme Brulee and our hilarious host Mehran Khaghani.

Thank you to the organizers Jane Doe, Lolli Hoops and Femme Brulee and the entire crew for a memorable time and for an award I will always cherish. It was also great to meet Darlinda Just Darlinda who gave me a hug for each Jigglewatt.

I also got the chance to connect with Annie Rock, who who was my production manager from 2003-2004. She is now married to her husband Chris and they have an adorable little boy named Charlie. It was great to see them. Ah, my show business family continues to grow.

All my love,





August 14, 2014

New Braunfels, Texas


Being back in New Braunfels is starting to feel a lot like coming home. Thank you to Tripp Marsalis for booking me and for the opportunity to work with Jon Stringer. What a master of physical comedy.

Next stop: Boston, Massachusetts!

All my love,




August 11, 2014

Los Angeles, California


What a wonderful time at LA's longest-running burlesque show - Monday Night Tease! We were joined by Pearl Lux which is always sugary sweet. Her number was divine. Speaking of numbers, I found Pearl's phone in the dressing room after she had already gone home. Via Facebook message she wrote about her phone, "I feel more naked without it than I do on stage." I love this girl!

All my love,




August 10, 2014

Las Vegas, Nevada


Everyone loves visiting Las Vegas and I am no exception. I got to teach my Dance Master Class this afternoon and it was a blast! Thanks to the dancers who took class with me! See you next time!

After class, I broke bread with some of the biggest burlesque names of all time! Here's a pic of some of the guests:


Jade Esteban Estrada in Las Vegas, Nevada
Photo credit: Jigglewatts Burlesque Revue


Thank you to Tiffany Carter for being such a gracious hostess. I love this woman!


All my love,





August 7, 2014

Tucson, Arizona


Tonight's show in Tucson rocked. It was so nice to see Lola Torch again and meet the hunky cast of the Manly Manlesque Show! Rambo Reza and Rooster were not only smokin' hot but these absolute gentlemen were also the perfect hosts.

Special thank you to Irene Messina of the Tucson Weekly for the nice write-up!

All my love,





August 8, 2014

San Diego, California


Here we are where the 8 goes west and the 5 goes south! The show was fantastic tonight!

All my love,







August 6, 2014

Phoenix, Arizona


While I started getting ready for the show today I got news from my agent that I've got a repeat booking to do Tortilla Heaven again in September for a big corporation in Maryland. I'm so glad they liked the show!

All my love,







August 2, 2014

Cleveland, Ohio


It has been many years since I've performed in Cleveland, Ohio so this date on my tour schedule was rather special to me. I was invited to perform at the 4th Annual Ohio Burlesque Festival which took place at the beautifully historic Beachland Ballroom. The festival organizer Bella Sin specifically asked me to sing my song "I Don't Eat Tacos" which of course I was more than happy to do.

As soon as I got to the dressing room I was so happy to see Matt Knife, a New York-based boylesque performer who've I have admired for quite some time. The show's emcee was Scratch from Boston and our headliner was Sydni Deveraux.

I also got to catch up with Miss Theresa from Columbus. The is the most sensual person I know! Here is the photo of the cast and crew of the entire festival at the show's end. Can you spot me in the middle?


Jade Esteban Estrada aka Pretty Boy Rock performs at the 4th Annual Ohio Burlesque Festival in Cleveland, Ohio.


The next day, Bella took a few of us on a guided tour of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum which was totally inspiring.

Thank you to the fans who came out to see this show! I am so happy to return to the state where my ICONS show was born.

My next stop is my beloved Phoenix. I'll be joining the world-famous Jigglewatts Burlesque Revue for five dates on the Texas Tease 'Em Tour.

All my love,





August 1, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


Tonight was really pushing it! My flight was delayed for two hours coming out of Portland and it was horrible to know that I was already going to be late for my evening arrival. I rearranged my itinerary so get me to Austin earlier than I would have gotten there and I made it to the Josephine Theatre for the second act. Thank you to Jasper St. James for being so gracious and flexible with my arrival. He was one of my first boylesque teachers.

My performance went well aside from the eye lash glue issues I had. I could not stay and socialize too long as I had a very early morning flight out to Cleveland for the Ohio Burlesque Festival. I have not had such a weekend since like 2001. I remember that weekend! It was rough travel! But everyone was so wonderful, it was hard to leave!

Next stop: Cleveland. Thank you, San Antonio!

All my love,



July 31, 2014

Portland, Oregon


Okay, now this is the part of my tour where things start to become a blur. I flew in the day before and I needed that time to recoup my energies and stretch. My friend Sue from the Tri-Cities made a surprise visit and accompanied me to the show. It was so nice to see Tana the Tattooed Lady again! I really met some beautiful people there like Baby LeStrange who's a good friend of the Jigglewatts.

The Funhouse Lounge is an amazing venue! I loved that space. My pants flew out of my hands and into the audience and although it was an accident - I think it looked kind of cool!

It's time to head to San Antonio for the San Antonio Burlesque Festival which is already underway. I hope to come back to Portland very soon! I'm so glad Napoleon was well-received!

All my love,




July 27, 2014

Madison, Wisconsin


What an adventure already! I arrived in time to catch the second act of the Saturday night performances of the Fierce! 2014 International Queer Burlesque Festival in Madison and immediately saw many familar faces like Bella Le Blanc, Smokin' McQueen, Cruel Valentine, Just Jingles and Stephan Gaeth.

The highlight of the evening was witnessing Tigger aka The Godfather of Boylesque on stage for the first time. He was magical. It seemed like all the travel dramas I had getting to and leaving Madison were worth it just to see him. I cannot stress enough how enriched I was being able to see him perform.

My performance was memorable the next day because my sock flew into the hashbrowns. It was a brunch performance at the Shamrock Bar and Grille. My beautiful golden sock flew into the grill! It was probably my best stocking peel to date overshadowed only by someone's breakfast.

Aside from sharing the stage with some hashbrowns, I was so happy to be on the same bill with Sarah Jacobson (whose number single-handedly epitomized the spirit of this festival), Sexual Chocolate, Sauda Namir, Wendy Whiplash (who had a profound influence on my nipples for the next two weeks), Nissa Citrine, Baby Bear, Luna Legare, Rasta Boi Punany and Elizabeth Couteau who I'd not seen since May at the Lava Lounge in Pittsburgh.

It was so nice to meet some of the folks from the Alterna-TEASE Festival in Boston. They were so nice. I'm really looking forward to that performance. I'm so glad I'm doing this!

Some of the people I loved meeting included Sarah Tybring from Milwaukee's Cream City Cabaret. Such a dream, this girl!

I feel like I left a piece of my heart in Madison. A collection of some beautiful people were there making the art of drag and burlesque come alive again in this country.

All my love,




July 25, 2014

Dallas, Texas


Tonight was officially my first day of my Jalapeno Express Tour. I just love House of Blues. Everytime we do a show there we have such a great time. I performed with the Ruby Revue and for our first show we had burlesque legend Tammi Tru in the house. I felt so honored to have the opportunity to interview her on stage. As Coco Lectric always says before a long tour, "make sure you take your vitamins." With a tour schedule like the one I have a head of me, I must stay healthy.

Goodbye, Dallas. I love this town!

All my love,




July 19, 2014

Corpus Christi, Texas


If only every show could be this magical. Tonight, I hosted the wet 'n wild production of Go Go Galore for the After Dark Burlesque Revue at House of Rock in Corpus Christi, Texas. My producers, Rosie Rawhyde and Maye Applebottom, are incredible human beings and always give their performers the total VIP treatment. I'm looking forward to working with them in September and December.

On the bill tonight we had Pixie O'Kneel, Eve Vocative, the bacon-lovin' Divertida Devotchka, Double Down Dixie, the inspirational CC Murder, Chola Magnolia, Marla Mab, Olympia DeWinter (Queen of Burlesque - San Antonio Burlesque Festival 2013), the wickedly sexy Rosie Rawhyde, Pystol Whip, Frida Firecracker, Reya del Sol, Lola Von Deadly, the brilliant Queertini Time and the New York-bound Jasper St. James. We also had our beloved Pelvis Costello joined our hard-workin' tech crew and kitten patrol. We needed all the help we could get! There was a lot of whip cream on that stage between numbers.

I'll see many of these amazing acts at the 3rd Annual San Antonio Burlesque Festival in two weeks. That's going to be rad. Check out lovely cast pic below. I'm on the bottom right.


Comedian Jade Esteban Estrada at House of Rock


I was surprised by the international crowd we pulled in. I took some pics with some ladies from Thailand and some from Turkey. Alas, it is the summer of peculiar accents.

The next day I was able to hit the beach. It was nice to feel the waves splashing against my feet as I caught up with old friends.

Thank you, Corpus for being such a haven for me. I'll see you again in September with my boylesque hero, Jett Adore.

All my love,




July 18, 2014

Austin, Texas


I suppose I should be honest with you, this being America and all. But I really loved our production of Sparks Fly in July! It brought out the best numbers in everyone! I'm also a little biased as I used to do these kinds of spectaculars when I was in Showstoppers at the Josephine Theatre back in the day. So I'm sad to put this red, white and blue bag of jokes away until next year. Oh, and I'm still amazed at how much people seemed to love American Pie. Perhaps I should sing that song more often.

I'm also glad I had that last minute change in my touring schedule that allowed me to be here for our special guest Donna Hood from Los Angeles. Recently, she won two crowns in two weeks! Her performance with us will always be memorable.

Tonight was also the great return of the high-voltage vixen, Miss Coco Lectric! She's been headlining the Australian Burlesque Festival for the past six weeks and we've missed her terribly. It was so great to have her back. Check out this post-show photo by James Cano.


Jade Esteban Estrada at the Gibson Guitar Lounge at Maggie Mae's in Austin, Texas.


Not only was this my last show of this production, it was also my last show of the summer at Maggie Mae's. As I'm sure you know, the Jigglewatts Burlesque Revue are embarking on our Texas Tease 'Em Tour toward the wild, wild West. We'll hit Phoenix, Tucson, San Diego, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. We look forward to reconnecting with our West Coast fans!

So I'll see you again in September, Austin. Thanks for continuing to welcome me to the Gibson Guitar Lounge.

All my love,





July 17, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


Tonight was the first-ever performance workshop under the umbrella of my Acting Master Class Series. What a beautiful and inspiring evening of solo theatre and stand-up comedy. Many thanks to this summer's hard-working performers - Suzanna Brown, Patricia Zamora and Patrice Broderick - and to our panelists - Veronica Rodriguez, Anissa Lloyd and Karen Ross Garrett - who offered tremendously valuable feedback. And thanks to Javier for taking this great pic!


Jade Esteban Estrada's Acting Master Class Series


I am forever grateful to everyone who has supported the Acting Master Class Series since 2009!

All my love,





July 12, 2014

Longview, Texas


It had been a long time since I'd played an LGBT venue, Longview! Thank you for being so gracious an audience and for showing us Jigglewatts such a great time. Our cast tonight included Ruby Joule, Goldie Candela, myself, Lola LeStrange and Layna D'Luna - so it kind of felt like a teaser to our Texas Tease 'Em Tour coming next month.


Comedian Jade Esteban Estrada in Longview, Texas


I can't wait to come back! Our sound and lights tech Cody Jack Herber was very easy on the eyes!

All my love,






July 11, 2014

Austin, Texas


Tonight at the Gibson Guitar Lounge we presented our second performance of "Sparks Fly in July!" with special guests Remi Martini and Nina Josephine. Our cast on this fabulous Friday were myself, Goldie Candela, Ruby Joule, Something Blue and Lola LeStrange.


Comedian Jade Esteban Estrada at Maggie Mae's in Austin, Texas.


I simply must give a shoutout to Blue (far left) and her number "Americano." One of my favorite films in the whole world is "The Talented Mr. Ripley" and when she comes out to that number I am transported to the rocky shores of Italy.

Tomorrow is my second performance in Longview, Texas this summer. It looks like Goldie and I are going to get some girl time in. My body is getting into tour mode. Bring it, baby.

Much love to you, Austin!




July 5, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


I knew tonight was going to be a great night before I even arrived at the venue because I was going to share the stage with some of my favorite people in my comedy family. I co-headlined a show with Mike Robles (and his oh, so shiny Emmy Award) at "The Joan Riviera Comedy Show." Joan recently lost two members of her family (in the same month) so her return to the stage was an emotional event. I was happy to be there. Here's a selfie of me checking out my new lipstick color in the dressing room while she's on stage giving a heartfelt speech.


Comedian Jade Esteban Estrada. Out Magazine calls him "the first gay Latin star."


I also got to hang out with Michael Wagner, the publisher of the San Antonio Current. He's my boss and I never get to see him!

I ended the evening having a late dinner with my producer friend Nick Charles and his posse. I am so blessed to have such lovely friends who are actually funny for a living.

All my love,






July 3, 2014

Austin, Texas


It seems this year the country is feeling a little more patriotic than usual. Tonight was the opening night of "Sparks Fly in July!" at the Gibson Guitar Lounge at Maggie Mae's in Austin. Our special guest was Lolita Lace who always sparkles.


Comedian Jade Esteban Estrada at Maggie Mae's in Austin, Texas


This month is going to be fun!

All my love,




June 28, 2014

Dallas, Texas


Two phenomenal shows tonight at the House of Blues in Dallas! These audiences were on non-stop laugh mode! I'm so glad they had a grand 'ol time! I wish everyone a safe holiday. Dallas, I'll be back on July 25!

All my love,




June 27, 2014

Houston, Texas


Once again, Houston, you amaze me! Tonight was a great show at House of Blues in Houston and I'm so happy to be spending it with the beautiful showgirls of the Ruby Revue. Oh, and it felt great to brag about their new award for Best Troupe from the Burlesque Hall of Fame. They work so hard. They really inspire me.

I'll see you again July 26! Much love and have a safe and jolly Fourth of July!

All my love,



June 20, 2014

Austin, Texas


I added something special to my opening song tonight. I'm singing the Joe Cocker version of "The Letter" which is so cool. Well, I asked Something Blue to join me on vocals at the end and we were harmonizing like crazy! I love harmonies! I hope to be able to sing more songs with her.

I will miss singing "To Sir, With Love." It's an interesting composition. It's almost like that very distinct time in 20th century American music when the sound of the late 1950s was evolving into the sound of the mid-1960s. It's such unique and immediately recognizable music. This was the last night of this show for me as I'll be with the Ruby Revue next week in Houston.

Joe Cocker and Lulu , wherever you are, God bless you. You made some beautiful music!

All my love,




May 31, 2014

Austin, Texas


A marvelous evening of top-notch entertainment was had at "The Queen's Soirée" tonight at the Stateside Theatre in Austin. I had so much fun kicking it Catskills-style.

Huge thanks to my glitterful colleagues who delivered some incredible performances: Angi B. Lovely, Jolie Goodnight and her Stardust Band, Lita Luck, Renee Holiday, Roxie Moxie, Ruby Joule, Damon K. Clark and our celestial headliner LouLou D'vil from "The Land of a Thousand Lakes," Helsinki, Finland. It's funny how everything comes full circle. I found myself talking about my experiences in Helsinki when I was touring in that part of the world years ago. It was nice to discuss the work of Finnish architect Alvar Aalto with someone who actually knows who he is!

Thank you to our supporting cast Layna D'Luna and Electra Mourning and to our 17th century, MILFy, French courtesan greeters Something Blue and Mickie Sinn who know a thing or two about rocking that production value. Big thanks to our backstage superheroes Midge, Philip, Blue, Augustine, Katie, Reuben and the entire Stateside staff who always keep us safe, informed, lit, heard and lookin' good.

Thanks to our producers Diamond Jim and La Divina of Diamond Burlesque Productions and Ruby Joule. We appreciate you casting us!

And I really want to thank the audience for supporting our show with on-going enthusiasm and standing ovations. None of this is possible without you. Until next time!

All my love,






May 24, 2014

Houston, Texas


2012 Queen of Burlesque Angi B'Lovely (New Orleans Burlesque Festival) was my travel buddy en route from Dallas to Houston and such engaging company, I missed seeing the statue of political architect Sam Houston called "A Tribute to Courage" - AGAIN - when we passed through Huntsville, Texas. I've seen it but I often seem to miss it when it comes up because I'm always in the middle of a conversation - or something. It's so huge! 67 ft. tall not including the 10 ft. tall base. True story. Everything is bigger in Texas.

Including, the shows!

Tonight, on night two with The Ruby Revue at House of Blues in Houston, I was joined once again by Miss V Haven - known to her devoted fans as The Eyes and Thighs of Texas. You know, some people are just a joy to have around and Miss V is one of them. And fashion? She looks good in anything! The audience had a blast and so did we. Until next time, Houston! I'll be back June 27.

Next stop: Austin, Texas.

All my love,





May 23, 2014

Dallas, Texas


Tonight was my monthly return to perform with The Ruby Revue at House of Blues in Dallas for two jam-packed, sold-out shows. It's also the last weekend before the troupe heads out to compete at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend in Las Vegas so excitement was definately in the air.

Our headliner was Michelle L'amour from Chicago (pictured below). I shared the stage with her at last year's Texas Tease Festival and was blown away by her hypnotizing walk en route to centerstage. If you've seen this number, you know to what I am talking about. There's so much about this woman that I could rave about - like the fact that she won the title of Miss Exotic World at the Burlesque Hall of Fame in 2005. We are lucky enough to have her join us again tomorrow in Houston. He's a backstage pic.


Jade Esteban Estrada and Michelle L'amour


Our featured act tonight was the mesmerizing Minxie Mimieux (pictured below). I think this is our third time performing together. I say this all the time but no one can move in slow motion like this girl. This is her mutant super-power, indeed! As a model, she's graced the pages of Vogue Italia which few people can say. She's continuously stunning to watch onstage - and the nicest person you'll ever meet - and I can't wait to share the backstage mirror with her again. Until next time, Texan Tigress of Tease!


Minxie Mimieux and Jade Esteban Estrada


Many thanks to all the fans who came out and caught the show! I love to hear you laugh! I'll be back June 28!

One more thought about performing with The Ruby Revue in Dallas. This is us pictured below.


Comedian Jade Esteban Estrada and the Ruby Revue at House of Blues in Dallas, Texas.


The Ruby Revue is a tribute to Dallas' unique burlesque history from the days of Abe Weinstein and Jack Ruby's striptease venue the Carousel Club - the same Jack Ruby who gunned down Lee Harvey Oswald, the sniper who is believed to have shot President John F. Kennedy in November 1963. Tammi True - aka Miss Excitement - was a headlining performer at the Carousel Club in the 1960s and in 2010 came out of retirement to perform with The Ruby Revue.

Are we separated by everything and everyone by only six degrees or less?

On the way to my hotel, the driver pointed out that we were passing through Dealey Plaza, the site of the Kennedy assassination. It was so quiet as we slowly passed by, as if it could have been any other park in the country.

Next stop: Houston, Texas.

All my love,






May 21, 2014

McAllen, Texas


What a perfect evening at Historic Cine El Rey Theatre in McAllen, tonight! Cine El Rey is one of those well-preserved, art deco venues where - if you get to the theatre early enough - you can sit down in the back of the house while the lights are flashing across the elevated stage like a Las Vegas showroom and the freestyle music is pumped up all the way. Although, it's so loud and so dark in the theatre at that time - because no one is there yet (not a techie in sight) - it's so peaceful. Yes, in freestyle music one can find inner peace it would seem. Well, I sat in the back of the theatre and relished in the moment of being one of many headliners in a theatre that, since 1947, has been home to entertainers from around the world. Entertainers like Cantinflas, I'm heard. My grandmother adores his movies. I have been truly blessed in this lifetime. Thanks everyone who has supported me on this colorful journey.


Jade Esteban Estrada at Historic Cine El Rey Theatre


Special thanks to my hostess tonight, Sonia Treviño. She's so sweet, smart and funny. Also, big thanks to the three comics who shared the feature spot. Thank you to Mario "Superstar" Salazar for booking me! And again, where would we be without the wonderful audience we had tonight? Thank you for sharing in the laughter with us!

Until next time, my friends. Next stop - Dallas, Texas.

All my love,





May 16, 2014

Austin, Texas


Tonight's show at the Gibson Guitar Lounge was very special to me. First of all, we had the vivacious Vivian MirAnn - The Sultry Sinner - from Albuquerque guesting with us which is always a delicious thrill. Our tease team included Ruby Joule, Layna D'Luna, Something Blue, Goldie Candela, Jolie Goodnight, Lola LaStrange and my merry self. This was our premiere performance of "Greatest Bits," however, my only performance of this month's theme due to my unrelenting tour schedule. Here's the part that I felt was special. In a shout out to AC (Adult Contemporary) Radio (Did I ever mention that I was an wide-eyed intern at a radio station once upon a time?), I emceed the show as a tribute to Casey Kasem's Top 40 Countdown and it was so much fun! I may have been itching to do that my entire life. I even did a long distance dedication parody right before Goldie's number. Who doesn't love Casey Kasem - THE best host ever? God bless him in these golden years of his. He brought people a lot of joy. Here's the poster for the show:


Jade Esteban Estrada | Greatest Bits!


Jolie did a rip-roaring rendition of "There's No Business Like Show Business" which I can't stop singing and Vivian did her "Laying an Egg" number which was a freakin' riot! Oh, and what a treat it was to have the luscious Lolita Lace of Carousel Cabaret in the first row! I sang "Burnin' Love" and "Love on the Rocks" to keep the show rollin'.

In other burlesque news, huge congrats to my Jigglewatt sister Ruby who's gracing the latest cover of Bachelor Pad Magazine! That's a big deal!

On the way home from Austin, I heard a panelist on the BBC World Service, during a discussion about the gay marriage fiasco in Arkansas , say, "America is very complicated." She couldn't seem to wrap her head around the fact that the United States (a country that adheres to one federal constitution) could have gay marriage legal in one state and illegal in another.

The government in my country is set up in a unique way, I have to admit.

All my love,



May 15, 2014

Randolph Air Force Base

San Antonio, Texas


Today, at the very last minute, I was asked to sing Happy Birthday a la Marilyn Monroe to a graduating master sergeant at Randolph Air Force Base - and all the military graduates. The paperwork and screening involved to grant my clearance was oh, so tiresome, but it was worth all the digital groping. This show was SO much fun. Here is a pic of me getting it together at seven in the morning. Sam Sanchez from said I had "a touch of Kim Novak." I interpret that as a rave review, my friends.


Jade Esteban Estrada prepares to sing Happy Birthday at Randolph Air Force Base.


How many people can spend the day in drag on a military base? What I found most interesting is that everyone I encountered called me, "ma'am" and referred to me as "she" or "her." Talk about diversity training. Yes, at times, it did take them a second to get my attention. I was told by my handsome escort that today's Air Force is really big on avoiding sexual harassment suits. So they have these rules they call "D3 policy." Needless to say, I was treated like Monroe herself all morning. God bless all these military folks who work so hard to keep our country safe!

I got a great review from the client and I'm pretty pleased with the alterations I made to my Chinese Theatre dress. And for those ICONS fans out there, yes, those are my Sylvia Rivera shoes that I'm wearing. The dress still needs work, but, as we say in show business, costumes are never finished. They're only abandoned.


Jade Esteban Estrada as Marilyn Monroe


For most of the bits of pop culture that have taken place during my time, my grandmother can be full of shrugged off generalizations and "I don't know" and "solo ustedes." But when I started sewing this dress and putting myself together, she became an infinite well of details about the actress.

Thanks to Jonona Amor for the extra-strength thread! Next stop is the Gibson Guitar Lounge in Austin.

All my love,




May 14, 2014

Austin, Texas


Today I was called upon to do a singing telegram for the executive director of an organization called Breakthrough Austin. I was to play the role of a disgruntled parent whose middle school daughter was not accepted into their program. After I made a scene in front of his staff - I broke out into their organization-specific cheers (with a few alterations) and then, of course, Happy Birthday.

I was a little nervous after the secretary who came to fetch me in the lobby immediately said, "Oh, I've seen your show at Maggie Mae''re that comedian." Busted! But the birthday boy, fortunately did not know me at all so crisis avoided!

Also, I got a lovely mention about my performance at the Dallas Burlesque Festival in London's 21st Century Burlesque Magazine. Oh, how I miss London. I hope to return to you very soon.

All my love,



May 10, 2014

Austin, Texas


Thanks to Coco Lectric, today was my very first day teaching at the Austin Academy of Burlesque! 2014 has been so busy, I've struggled to find time on my tour schedule to teach. The Academy holds their classes at Inner Diva Studios in Austin. If I ever settled down in one city- which I hope to eventually, I'd love to have a dance and acting studio just like this one. This was one of two classes that I'm teaching for their Maymester which is focused on Boylesque. Today was the acting class, later on in the month, I'll teach the dancing class. It was so nice to work with such talented, up-and-coming performers and I'm looking forward to their big showcase at the Gibson Guitar Lounge at Maggie Mae's on May 27th.

Moment of gratitude: I think the opportunity to share my knowledge of the craft is such a gift. Thank you AMDA. Thank you, Eliza Ventura.

Oh, and a big happy birthday to my Jigglewatt sister, Jolie Goodnight! I love my Taurian peeps!

All my love,




May 9, 2014

Austin, Texas


Tonight was our big night - the Jigglewatts Burlesque Revue's 8-year anniversary show! Something Blue did a new Greek number which was beautiful to watch. Ruby Lamb did a cute tribute number for Nikki DeVaughn of Fat Bottom Cabaret. Thanks to everyone traveled to join us: Pelvis Costello and Constance T. Nople. It was a collection of only the very best people!

We were joined by Electra Mourning, Atomik Bunny and Bunny Fifi.

All my love,



May 8, 2014

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Finally, I am reunited with my Burlympics alum friend Kat de Lac and her production of the Steel City Kitty Variety Show. I was last here in December.

After another intense class at Amazing Yoga, I got into show mode.

I was saddened to hear that Bella Sin would not be joining us after all, but I will get to finally meet her at the Ohio Burlesque Festival this August. I'm so excited about returning to Cleveland.

Reggie came on for her act and warmed up the crowd with some humor and tidbits about herself and then proceeded to lie down on a bed of barbed wire (she said she used to lie down on a bed of nails but she had grown tired of doing that) and then asked someone from the audience to sit on top of her. The person she chosed decided to swirl. I know! Then she asked if anyone wanted to tip her with any amounts of paper money by using a staple gun to staple the cash on her bottom. Right away, I thought, this girl needs to meet Gaige in San Antonio. They would love each other.

All my love,




May 7, 2014

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


The moment clocked that a yoga studio was a stone's throw from where I was staying here in Pittsburgh, I made a decision that come hell or high water I was going to take a class - and I'm so glad I did. Thank you to the team at Amazing Yoga! I needed that detox for the big show tomorrow night at Lava Lounge.

Also, I met one of my new favorite people the day I arrived into Pittsburgh. Reggie Bügmüncher is a Philadelphia-based side show performer and the nicest person ever.

All my love,


April 20, 2014

Easter Sunday

San Antonio, Texas


What a captivating afternoon I've had with Julie Persky, a doctoral student at Texas A&M University in College Station. She had many ruminative questions about comedy and burlesque.

Today I find myself remembering the singing lessons I had with Glynda Marrow when I was in middle school. She introduced me to the work of Johannes Brahms.

Happy Easter!

All my love,




April 12, 2014

Detroit, Michigan


Well, first of all, I have to say that Uber car service is totally unreliable! I know this is the era of frugality but sometimes a big, gas-guzzling, private car is the only way to go. My rant is done. I was really happy to be back in Motor City! It's literally been years.

One of the first performers I met backstage was the lively "half-Jewish/half-Italian" Bella La Blanc from Virginia. Her tag line is "Your Stepford Wife Gone Wild." She was our headliner and was so much fun! It was also a joy to meet Lady Sirene and to be reunited once again with one of my favorite people Miss Holly Hock! Bella also had a merchandise table with some of her awesome show gear and I bought a pair of her pasties for my next boylesque performance.

All my love,




April 11, 2014

Austin, Texas


It was so nice to return to the Texas Burlesque Festival to take in some performances without having to turn in a performance myself. I was truly struck tonight by the beautiful technique of Lady Jae of the Houston Burlesque Revue. She took my breath away with her lyrical number.

All my love,


April 10, 2014

Austin, Texas


For a long time, it seemed that every time I had an opening night of some sort that it would rain cats and dogs. Almost every ICONS premiere was like that. Tonight was different in this respect. Tonight I am actually performing my boylesque number the way I'd always imagined it and the weather is absolutely beautiful. I'm so grateful to have been accepted into this festival alongside so many brilliant performers.



I am full of gratitude to Coco Lectric who encouraged me to do this. She did so much to make this performance possible. And thank you, Austin! I appreciate the positive response! Hopefully, all will go just as well in Detroit this weekend.

All my love,


April 5, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


About two weeks ago, I received a personal phone call (like actual talking on a phone) from actress Karen Ross Garrett about a fundraiser happening on an evening I was already scheduled to perform in town. It was to benefit a man by the name of Roger Dean Banta who had passed away very suddenly. His family and friends didn't have enough money to bury him so they decided to have a fundraiser to cover the expenses. Although I already had a morning gig and an evening gig booked on that date, something told me to let Karen keep talking. Eventually, I said yes and I'm so glad I did. It felt great to be a part of this event and I'm happy to report that it was a huge success.

When Texans decide to put on a fundraising event, they don't mess around. It took place at a venue called Knuckleheads. I did a stand-up comedy set and half-way through my show I spotted SA's matron of goodwill, Patricia Jimenez in the front row. She heads up the annual Jimenez Thanksgiving Dinner in town that we all love. Many thanks to Karen and Sharon Perkins for being such champions of charity in Bexar County. The world needs more people like them. Sharon was so thoughtful! She gave us all certificates of participation and thanks as we were leaving to our next gigs. Super-sweet! Here is mine:


Outstanding Community Service Award given to comedian Jade Esteban Estrada for his performance at the Roger Dean Banta Memorial Fundraiser in April 2014.


Eureka Smoke also did a guestie on the show and did wonderfully. Also, I need to give a shout-out to one of my favorite comedians (and fellow vegan) Jay LaFarr. He was hilarious as usual. Life is such a bore without him around.

RIP Roger Dean Banta. I never met you but you must have been a swell guy to have such great friends.

All my love,

Jade Esteban Estrada



March 14, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


What a fun time on The Jack Riccardi Show on KTSA News Talk 550. I got to spend time with Sylvia Rincon from Fox News and Louie Barrios from Los Barrios Restaurants. Missing plans, Ukraine and Texas politics were on the menu. Oh, yes, and we got to talking about transgender folks in the military. How times have changed.

All my love,




March 9, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


The synergy of laughter and fun this week at Rivercenter Comedy Club was tremendous! We had so many folks on their honeymoon this week. I was truly honored to entertain them. JJ Ramirez was hilarious and brought down the house every night. GQ was our host. Oh, how I have missed the staff at RCC! They are the best! This TripAdvisor review came down the wire. Thanks, tsmetzer! Sorry, kitchen!


Review of Jade Esteban Estrada on



I was so happy to see Mary Robinson Lentz (former editor-in-chief of the Southwest Actors Guide) and her new husband Dan come to Friday's show and Sunday I got to see Ponchi Hererra, a fervent admirer and one of El Paso's funniest comedians. He was nice to come by!

All my love,




March 2, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


Tonight is a night that always seems to sneak up and bite us in the tail but somehow my partner in crime Anissa from Wagtail Productions and I joined forces at the very last minute for our annual Oscar Party and we did it full-on Academy Awards style! We did live tweets throughout the evening! Check them out!
Let's talk presenters. Boy-next-door Jeremy Renner is so freakin' dreamy. I 'm such a fan. Channing Tatum continues to be the epitome of red carpet glamour. A shout out to Goldie Hawn who looked forever cute in that dripping dress and the stately Glenn Close who wore a black mermaid mermaid number to introduce the list of show business personalities we lost this year. We lost so many. Charlize Theron's dress was magical as was Kate Hudson's.
Best picture: 12 Years a Slave took home this prize beating out American Hustle, Captain Phillips, Dallas Buyers Club, Gravity, Her, Nebraska, Philomena and The Wolf of Wall Street.
Best actor: Matthew McConaughey for Dallas Buyers Club. Dude. What a performance. By far the best actor in the line-up to win out over Christian Bale, Bruce Dern, Leonardo DiCaprio and Chiwetel Ejiofor.
Best actress: Cate Blanchett for Blue Jasmine. I love this woman. I'm so glad she won. Ever since I saw her in The Talented Mr. Ripley, I've been in love with her. What a class act. And her dress was amazing! She beat out Amy Adams, Sandra Bullock, Judy Dench and Meryl Streep.
Best supporting actor: Jared Leto for Dallas Buyers Club. He beat out Barkhad Abdi, Bradley Cooper, Michael Fassbender and Jonah Hill. He was truly effervescent.
Best supporting actress: Lupita Nyong'o for 12 Years a Slave. Well-deserved. This actress killed it! She beat out Sally Hawkins, Jennifer Lawrence, Julia Roberts and June Squibb. I was not only happy about her win. But that dress was right out of a fairy tale.
Best director:  Alfonso Cuarón, Gravity
Best animated feature film: Frozen
Best foreign film: The Great Beauty
Best original screenplay: Her, Spike Jonze
Best adapted screenplay: 12 Years a Slave, John Ridley
Best original score: Gravity
Best original song: Let It Go, from Frozen
Best cinematography: Gravity
Best costume design: The Great Gatsby
Best documentary feature: 20 Feet From Stardom. I was so excited to see this win Best Doc. Darlene Love got on the mic and started to sing the "Happy" song. That, my friends, is how you make an Oscar moment. I'm so happy for her and everyone else involved in this very important film.
Best documentary short subject: The Lady in Number 6
Best film editing: Gravity
Best makeup and hairstyling: Dallas Buyers Club
Best production design: The Great Gatsby
Best animated short film: Mr. Hublot
Best live-action short film: Helium
Best sound editing: Gravity
Best sound mixing: Gravity
Best visual effects: Gravity
Special shout out to Ruby Manhattan and Mary Robinson Lentz for their hilarious tweets.

All my love,





March 1, 2014

Dallas, Texas


Tonight was the my first time as an official member of The Ruby Revue. If there is one thing I've learned from all the different burlesque troupes that I've worked for it's this: No two burlesque troupes are alike. They all are unique and beautiful in their own ways. I'm already madly in love with The Ruby Revue and I am really looking forward to the next few months working with them here in Dallas and in Houston.

Renee Holiday is tremendously talented.

Happy Birthday to Ginger Valentine! I am totally grateful for the standing ovation we received.

Oh, and a very special shout out to Karen Ross Garrett, a long-time member of Team Jade who did a great job on the logistic side of all my touring this week.

All my love,




February 28, 2014

Austin, Texas


Tonight we taped our final performance of "Lovin'" for our new DVD at the Gibson Guitar Lounge at Maggie Mae's. Something Blue, Ruby Joule, Coco Lectric, Layna D'Luna and Jolie Goodnight made up the line-up tonight. This was the final performance for Jolie before she heads out for her European tour. Sad panda! I'm going to miss her!

Oh, and we got another standing ovation! Jules Parra came to see the show and was thrilled to finally meet the venerable Coco. Tomorrow I rejoin the Ruby Revue at House of Blues in Dallas. I'm so looking forward to that.

All my love,




February 27, 2014

Waco, Texas


Now this is something that doesn't happen often at all: I got three all-female comics in my line-up for my show at Cinema Lounge in Waco, Texas! Suzanna Brown from LA, Jules Parra from San Antonio and Eureka Smoke from Austin joined me in Waco and it was so much fun. I'd really like to see women in my line-ups more often.

It was fun to see my burlesque family and my comedy family cross paths.

Tomorrow night is Austin. I'm just a Texas wayfarer.

All my love,





February 22, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


One thing that I have come to count on is that producer Nick Charles really knows what he's doing when he asks me to come headline one of his San Antonio shows.

Yes, of course, English is the lingua franca, however, these West Side productions are the kinds of shows where code switching is an appreciated sport.

Special shout out to Cel for coming out with her family! It was also great to see Anthony "The Brick" Torino there as well to lend his support. In my show business family, he's just someone I would like to have around all the time. He's so funny and Joan Riviera and I just adore him.

It was a beautiful thing to meet Jerry Beltran-Ruiz and his partner. Times have changed. I'm so happy to see so many LGBT couples on the West Side of San Antonio. You guys are my heros!

All my love,



February 14, 2014

Dallas, Texas


Tina be singing "What's love got to do with it?" and I be like, "It has EVERYTHING to do with it and this weekend's multiple events at the 2014 Dallas Burlesque Festival proved it." Note to self: Valentine's is the Christmas Day of burlesque and for my holiday present I got to share the stage once again with my Ruby Revue partner in crime Miss V Haven, Houston's premiere pin-up goddess. The stars that we had on our stage were not be believed. I still can't get over it the talent we had on our House of Blues stage. I'm talking about slow-motion maven Minxie Mimiuex (Dallas) , Alia (Dallas), Elle Du Jour (Denton) Athena Fatale (Los Angeles), Jasper St. James (San Antonio), Black Mariah (Dallas), Roxie Moxie (Austin), Iris Le'Mour (Dallas) who I performed with in Corpus Christi last week at House of Rock, Ursula Undress (Atlanta), April Showers who I'd met at the Burlympics last September (Los Angeles), Taloolah Love (Atlanta), the masterful Oops the Clown (New Orleans), Apathy Angel (New York) who absolutely brought down the house with her assels bit, the sinfully sexy Sabra Johnsin (Austin), Lola Martinet who I just adore (San Francisco) and our headliner Perle Noire (New York) who 21st Century Burlesque Magazine in London ranked #3 in the world. We almost needed to call the fire department when she was done with that stage. What a magical performance she delivered to our sold-out crowd.

After party Most Interesting Award goes to the absolutely dreamy Dapper John (who loves House of Cards as much as I do) and Black Mariah who I love more and more everyday.

The next day I had the opportunity to take three master classes by Dr. Sick (New Orleans), Perle and Midnite Martini (Denver). All three of them were great teachers and I learned so many new things. Once you become a touring artist, there is so little time to take classes to hear pearls of show business wisdom from teachers like Perle, for instance, when she said between combination run-throughs, "The heart of a song is the bass line." When I was just out of conservatory in New York, I used to take like five dance classes a day! These classes gave me a chance to press F5 and not only did I appreciate it - I'd been craving it. And I am still in utter awe of the brilliance of Midnite. She is truly a gem.

Oh, and I also got a chance to finally try a new vegan restaurant called the Spiral Diner with fellow vegan April, her handsome husband Shawn and Marleana Mahoozi (she used to be the road manager for the Ruby Revue) who I'd not seen in a good while. Absolutely top-notch. Marleana and I had the Viva Las Migas. How cute is that!? You can find me there for most meals when I'm in the Metroplex from now on.

Although these festivals are always a great experience for the audiences because they get to see so many great acts from all over the world for one ticket price, I think the performers get the better end of the deal because we get to drink, eat, laugh and perform with entertainers we truly admire.

The only unfortunate part about tonight was the fact that I was not able to attend the screening of "The Specialists," a film I star in that played tonight at the 2014 Dam Short Film Festival in Boulder City, Nevada. I hope the audiences enjoyed the film! I need a clone.

Thank you, Dallas and Boulder City - and Happy Valentine's Day. Until next time.

All my love,






February 8, 2014

Corpus Christi, Texas


Tonight was a night I will long remember. I made my official Texas debut as a boylesque performer at the "Legends and Icons" show put on by the beautiful people of the After Dark Burlesque Revue. I'm so grateful to Maye Applebottom and Rosie Rawhyde for their guidance and for giving me this opportunity. A big shout-out goes to one of my long-time sponsors, Ralph Gomez. He is one of the best producers ever. So many people only see what they behold onstage. So much goes into making it all happen. Thank you, Ralph! I look forward to the next chance to be Pretty Boy Rock. More on that later (hint, hint) but one thing at a time.

There were a lot of familiar faces backstage like Sadie Sin and Lola Von Deadly but it was really nice to meet new burlesquers like Ruby Manhattan and Tequila Mockingbird. We played to a packed house and as always House of Rock gave us some serious star treatment. I hope to see you again very soon, Corpus! Thanks again for the warm reception.

All my love,





February 1, 2014

Houston, Texas


The 1st Annual Houston Burlesque Festival was a great success and a first-class experience all the way. It was such a pleasure to introduce some of the best burlesque performers in Texas (and beyond) representing at House of Blues,. Seriously, how can you go wrong with the likes of Rosie Rawhyde and Ruby Joule? However, I must say that that component that dulcified my night was witnessing Chicago's Stage Door Johnnies, our headliners, with my own eyes. I worked with Jett Adore in Austin last year, but this was the first time I got to meet Ray Gunn and Bazuka Joe. I wish I was able to fly in sooner to take Jett's master class but time, I hope. It was a privilege sharing the stage with them. They are every bit as adorable as they are on YouTube. It is always delightful working for Missy Lisa and Ginger Valentine of the Ruby Revue!

I'm super-excited about performing with Rosie again next week at House of Rock in Corpus Christi. I don't know how or when it happened, but these burlesque folks have become my family and I love them all.

All my love,




January 30, 2014

Oakland, California


So get this. There was stand-up comedy show going on right before our burlesque show at the Legionnaire Saloon. Seriously! I felt like I was cheating on my fellow comedians! I was all..."No, I've always been a stripper...I don't know what you mean..." Like not making eye contact. Stuff like that.

Once the show started though, I could not have asked for a better place to make my boylesque debut. Intimate room, appreciative crowd. I love the cast of Womanopoly! Elyse Elaine and Sgt. Die Wies run the troupe and they rocked that stage. My California cousins Patty, Janina and Nina checked out the show along with my hiking buddy Nicole from Prescott, Arizona who I have not seen in ages. I love these people! I'm looking forward to the next show in Vallejo - which Sgt. Die Wies calls, "Valley of the Hoes."

All my love,




January 29, 2014

San Francisco, California


Tonight, my Burlympics alum friend Sgt. Die Wies of Womanopoly performed with Red Hots Burlesque at the Supper Club and I went to see her. A performer by the name of Dottie Lux was the emcee. She was hilarious and sooo pretty. I understand that this is SF's only weekly burlesque show. It's a good one. I even got introduced to burlesque legend Isis Starr. She opened the show and (between you and me) I was told by some *reliable sources* that she did it with David Bowie. How freakin' cool is that? Even if it was recently. Cyanide Cyn of the Sin Sisters Burlesque was on the bill (I really enjoyed her performance) and Ariyana La Fey was the headliner. She did silk work and it was just mesmerizing. I look forward to seeing her perform again.

I also got to catch the Dollhouse Bettie Fashion Show later that night at the after party. Super-sexy clothes that I now want! (You can see my glove 'n green boa in the bottom left corner).



I think I'm emotionally preparing for the strip tease chapter of my life which is about to begin.

So what have we learned tonight? For starters, that San Francisco loves their beards like Austin loves their moustaches. Oh, and that David Bowie may still have it goin' on.

Tomorrow night is my boylesque debut!

All my love,



January 23, 2014

La Grande, Oregon


I must say that every time I journey to the Great Northwest I have the best time ever and meet the sweetest people. Producer/comedian Nick Johnson (who I performed with at Lucky's Lounge in Las Vegas last year) was kind enough to invite me to headline his monthly production entitled Comedians Doing Comedy with Nick Johnson which takes place at Eastern Oregon University's Schwarz Theatre. I love this venue! The audience was just fantastic and the local comics - Jordan Meyer, Daniel Wagner and Kailey Van Ocker - who opened the show along with the hilarious Nick (children of celebrities bit - classic) absolutely brought down the house. Some return customers who'd seen my show at the Wildhorse Hotel and Casino in nearby Pendleton last year were also in attendance. Thanks for the standing ovation, La Grande! I broke in a new sparkly tie (pictured) just for you!



And oh, my goodness! Nick's beautiful girlfriend Anna made me a vegan stew! How sweet was that? It was delicious! AND Jordan played the piano for me as I got ready. It felt like I was in a foreign film with subtitles. Jordan is a Brit and can turn his accent on and off like a light switch. He's a great musician AND a funny, funny man! I can't get over how nice everyone was! Perhaps I just had a horrible childhood.

Let's see. What else....? Oh, the La Grande Observer put me on their front cover. Hooray! Oh, and hey, another triumph for photographer Brent Kosadnar. I'm glad editors have responded well to his photographs of me. I hadn't had a front cover in months! I start hyperventilating and breaking out in a cold sweat if I don't get a front cover regularly. True story.

Also, the Theatre Department at EOU hosted my Acting Master Class before the show and I can't even begin to tell you what a great time that was. Show business people talking shop? We could have gone on for hours longer. We had directors in class (you can always tell by the way they take notes)! It's exciting to see the new generation of actors finding their way up in the craft. There are some talented folks in La Grande.

It's time to go back to New York tomorrow (farewell to niceness) but I can't wait to come back to this area. I think it's truly one of the most beautiful landscapes our country has to offer.

All my love,





January 17, 2014

Austin, Texas


Parting 'tis such sweet sorrow! Tonight was my last performance of "Rock On II" at the Gibson Guitar Lounge at Maggie Mae's in Austin. I now know more chisme about Adam Curry and Vince Neil than I ever wanted to have in my head. The show has two more performances but I am on the road in the frosty north for the rest of the month. Oh, man, I'm going to miss our relatively warm weather. I'm so glad I was able to see Bethany Summersizzle, Bunny Bang Bang, Ruby Lamb, Coco Lectric, Jolie Goodnight and our bunnies Atomic Bunny, Bunny LeStrange and Eureka Smoke (pictured in the selfie below). I'm going to miss them!


Eureka Smoke and Jade Esteban Estrada


Bunny Bang Bang performed tonight for the last time under that name. She is now Layna D'Luna. It was like a burlesque baptism. Her performance was very precise. Some of my favorite moments of the night included Ruby Lamb performing a number to "Hot for Teacher" which was a total crowd-pleaser and Coco rocked it out to Heart's "Crazy on You." I sang a parody to "Everybody's Workin' for the Weekend" and "Heaven." Fun stuff! And it was so nice to see so many familiar faces in the house tonight! I'll be back the first week of February for our next production, "Lovin'." Which reminds me that I must find some R&B sexiness to sing. Until next time, Austin. Thank you for opening your doors and always making me feel right at home.

All my love,




January 16, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


Election season is officially here! My bestie Anissa and I decided to get the party started "right" by attending the 23rd Congressional District of Texas Candidates' Debate sponsored by the San Antonio Tea Party, Alamo City Republican Women and the Republican Men's Club of Bexar County. There are three candidates running in the GOP primary election. They are Dr. Robert Lowry, Will Hurd and former Rep. (D-23) Francisco "Quico" Canseco. Lowry was hot. Hurd was smart and Canseco was MIA. Allen Tharp, president of the SA Tea Party didn't seem happy about the absence at all. It was a compelling debate despite my opinion that Lowry and Hurd - although distinct in style - do seem to agree on many issues on President Obama, the Affordable Care Act, the IRS, the Tax Code, the Federal Reserve - and it seemed like nobody had anything nice to say about House Speaker John Boehner. Lowry is a physician (sexy), Hurd is a former CIA agent (cool) and District 23 is a vast area of the state that beads from San Antonio to El Paso so it has loads of border and immigration challenges. Everytime I travel westward I have the time to think about how big of a job that must be.

Oooh, and I got to hobnob with former City Councilwoman (D-9) Elisa Chan who is running against Donna Campbell for Texas Senate (D-25). You remember her. She's the one who got the LGBT community up in arms when a secret recording of her homophobic views was released to the media. Here's a pic Anissa took of us.



If the stars align, I hope to be giving her the Glitter Political treatment in the San Antonio Current before the primaries. (My next interview is with Bexar County Commissioner Tommy Adkisson (Precinct 4) who is running for Bexar County Judge against incumbent Nelson Wolff).

I also got invited to the Alamo City Republican Women's State Luncheon by the president of the organization, Freida Wright. How cool is that? What a delightful accent she's got goin'. I hope she wasn't kidding about the invite 'cause I totally want to go.

Regardless of party affiliation, I have found people who care about politics to be most engaging at the dinner table. What a fun and interesting night.

All my love,




January 4, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


What a treat it was to return to Marty's Cocktails for my first San Antonio show of the year! The crowd was fantastic. This is the second time I've headlined Joan Riviera's monthly Vegas-like comedy show. Tonight, Victor "Speedy" Gonzalez and Anthony Torino opened and they absolutely murdered. Anthony in particular is freakin' hilarious. I love watching him do this thing. He's definately one of my favorite comics (who's also a talented writer) in this town.

After the show and meet and greet, the party continued at Fitzgerald's Bar for the Sinister Saturdays burlesque show with the Scarlet Darlings. I'm loving the nice, big stage they have! Their special guest was my burlesque sister Goldie Candela. Annabella Lugosi - who's about to pop out a baby at any moment - hosted the show and was super charming. I wish her loads of luck with her new show biz baby!



Backstage, after the wine kicked in, some of us started reciting Shakespeare's Sonnets toward the end. We were feelin' the love! Oh, and speaking of love, Rose Munoz was in the house looking beautiful as ever.

Lastly, before I devote my life to late-night vegan taco hunting, I have to say that Goldie turned in one of the finest performances I have ever seen from her. She was channeling Mary Pickford big time in her green finale number. They were doing the seven deadly sins. I think Goldie was vanity.

The weather is dropping in San Antonio but it's record-breakingly cold in the north. I hope my Yankee friends are staying toasty.

All my love,





January 3, 2014

Austin, Texas


Tonight was the opening of our new show "Rock On II" at the Gibson Guitar Lounge at Maggie Mae's with the world-famous Jiggewatts Burlesque Revue. It was a blast! It's kind of funny how some people dress like this full-time. Thank you Ruby Lamb for taking this pic of Goldie Candela and I. We were totally in character. ROCK ON!


So I realized a lifelong dream at the show tonight. I got to sing "Working for the Weekend" by Loverboy! It was so awesome! I also sang "More than Words" with Ruby Joule (I hadn't sung that since the time Samantha Lavender and I performed it in Ireland back in '96) and got to sing "Heaven" by Bryan Adams at the top of the second act. Thank you MTV for giving me all those rehearsals in the 80s. We will be performing this show all month long.

All my love,





January 3, 2014

San Antonio, Texas


I have never been a morning person (unless being up since the night before qualifies as a morning person) but few things make me happier than waking up in the morning and going to KTSA News Talk 550 to claim my favorite seat on The Jack Riccardi Show. 2014 marks my fourth year on the panel! El tiempo pasa de prisa. Doug Vair from Retama Park and Jonathan Gurwitz, former political writer for the San Antonio Express-News were my Gang of Four buddies today. New developments on the Benghazi attack still leave me troubled but everything else was fun. I can't wait to come back.

About an hour later, I saw my 7-year-old nephew Isaac and he told me that he'd heard me on the radio. "I want to be just like you when I grow up," he said as he ran out the door to play outside.

To hear such words, I am a rich man, indeed.

Then, on my way to Austin for the big show, I got the news from my editor at the San Antonio Current that they would like to publish my Glitter Political column starting next week.

Seriously, I can't handle so much good news at one time.

All my love,





December 28, 2013

San Antonio, Texas


Today I was hired by Lululemon Athletica, an apparel shop that sells upscale yoga gear. December 28th is their Employee Appreciation Day and because this company is very into health and wellness, they call their employees "educators." It actually seems like an amazing place to work. I was told be "Peter Strauss from corporate in Vancouver." Here's how it went down: I entered the location at La Cantera in San Antonio and all the young, bubbly "educators" introduced themselves to me. Although they were expecting this last-minute state arrival, they weren't told the nature of my visit. After the store manager (who was in on the gag) gathered everyone to the center of the store, I began by formally introducing myself and authoritatively thanking them for a job well done. Then I led into "the state of the economy" and our "new store." I told them that it was important for us at Lululemon to tell them - in person - that...then I stumbled as if it was difficult to find the words...then I sang very slowly (a la the Glee version), "Yeah, I'll....tell you something....I think you'll understand...When I say that something...We Wanna Shake your Hand...." walking around the room warmly shaking everyone's hand. (The acoustics were insane.) Then I busted into "You Are the Sunshine of my Life" then ended it with the last bit of "Wind Beneath my Wings." 

I'd never experienced such a thunderous, yet grateful applause. They were all so happy to still have a job. 

The girl in the red pants said that when she saw me looking at all the merchandise she thought to herself, "Dear God, I hope I folded the shirts the right way!" Oh, I'm going to miss being Peter Strauss.

All my love,




December 27, 2013

San Antonio, Texas


Today I was hired by a pair of Philadelphia banking tycoons who arranged for me to enter a high-powered meeting at Frost Bank in San Antonio as "a new project manager" for Tom Stringfellow, President of Investment Advisors who turned 60 today. After a carrying on - what I thought was a really believable scene about "getting his perspective on space planning regarding the new properties" with the help of two other top executives in on the gag - I got to stand up and belt out a Taylor Swift* medley before sliding into a big Broadway-esque Happy Birthday ending. Awesome day. I love singing telegrams.

*The joke was that this birthday boy had recently fallen off the treadmill and seriously hurt himself while concentrating a little too hard on Taylor Swift videos.

All my love,




December 24, 2013

San Antonio, Texas


Tonight at my gig, there was a Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber in the makeshift break room. It was for the young daughter of our hosts who has cerebral palsy. After it was explained to me what it was in detail, I was pretty impressed with this wonderful invention.

Ruby Lamb just sent me a text message saying that she can't hear "I'll be Home for Christmas" without thinking of me. Aww. Totally sweet!

As I was leaving my gig, a four-year-old little boy who seemed to have quietly taken in my singing from a tiny blue chair all evening watched me as I put my coat on then said, "Are you leaving?" I replied that I was and told him that I hoped he'd had a good time watching the show. He said, "I did." His face was expressionless. Then he stared at me for about three seconds then walked towards me and slowly wrapped his arms around my knees and said "thank you" so softly - I almost couldn't hear him.

Best Christmas moment ever.

All my love,





December 19, 2013

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Touring is my life but sometimes the frosty weather can make it a little miserable. However, it was the biggest treat to perform with my new burlesque friends at Lava Lounge in Pennsylvania! Miss Theresa from Columbus and Lady Rockwell from Baltimore were our special guests and representing Pittsburgh was Elizabeth Couteau, Smokin' McQueen (who could get me to spill any and all goverment secrets after that banana number of his) and the Steel City Kitty herself - Miss Kat de Lac.

Kat de Lac is the ultimate hostess. She went out of her way to make sure all of us had what we needed and that we were having fun - AND that we were warm. If more producers were like that I'd probably get really spoiled really quick. Kat and I met at the 1st Annual Burlympics Competition in Los Angeles a few months ago. We really hit it off.

I'm looking forward to coming to back to the Lava Lounge on March 27 for the Booty-Lesque show. I know where all the vegan places are now.

All my love,






December 14, 2013

San Antonio, Texas


Well, today marks my first show every as a magician. Every since I started visiting my friend David Darkstone in Las Vegas back in April, I knew I was inching towards magic. Kurtis Allan, who backed me up on sound hashtagged me #nextdavidcopperfield and gave me excellent constructive criticism. Today's success wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for the amazing talents of my balloon blowers Karen Ross Garrett and Paisley Garrett. I love these ladies! Dennis Passmore did great on piano and I worked with a new, second pianist from Boerne, Texas - JT Bazzoon. He accompanied me on "Stormy Weather," "I Can't Help Falling in Love with You," "Over the Rainbow" and "Unchained Melody." What a great, proficient musician! It's been a long time since I've had such a full, rounded performance experience. It's a wonderful feeling when a pianist is actually one with the vocalist. I hope I get the honor of working with him again. It felt great to sing again. I've been on vocal rest for a few days. Tomorrow is an all-dancing day.

All my love,





December 8, 2013

Corpus Christi, Texas


It's only in Corpus Christi that an ornate vegan meal is always waiting for me at all hours of the night! I am blessed with great friends with awesome culinary skills here! I think it's now the third time I've performed at Cheers. Relaxed atmosphere, receptive crowd and I get to sing those Vegas-y songs I love so much. The evening ended with a few shots and lots of palm reading. Thank you, Roy and the staff at Cheers for making this show happen. Jeff Gayden - who I just adore - was the opener. I will be back in February to perform with the After Dark Revue at House of Rock but that seems like too long to wait! There's so much to love about this town. God bless Corpus Christi.

All my love,




December 7, 2013

Victoria, Texas


The last time I was in Victoria I was doing a stand-up comedy show with James Ponce and Nick Guerra. I'd forgotten how far off the beaten path it was! The weather was absolutely awful but the crowd was amazing and ready to laugh. I met a girl at the afterparty who coded all of the names in her address book by numbers. I don't know how she remembers who is who! Time to bundle up. It is freezing. Next stop: Corpus Christi.

All my love,





December 4, 2013

Austin, Texas


Tonight was another performance of "The Agony and Ecstasy of Steve Jobs" at The Vortex in Austin - and another standing ovation! I feel so grateful to be able to perform such a powerful piece of theatre. I added a new element to the show that may shock some theatrical purists. I invited burlesque artist Ruby Joule to open Act I with a strip tease to "China Girl" by David Bowie and Act II with "She Blinded Me with Science" by Thomas Dolby. This was easily one of the best collaborations of the year for me and a huge success. Thank you, Ruby! Thank you to The Vortex Rep for being my home in ATX since 2005! And thank you Mike Daisey for giving us these words.

All my love,



November 2, 2013

Corpus Christi, Texas


Tonight's show at House of Rock was off the chain. I really admire the After Dark Revue for all they do. It was so nice to see Chola Magnolia again!

All my love,










Jade Esteban Estrada Worldwide/Vicarious New York

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