Jade Esteban Estrada is a
brilliant young writer and
performer. It was an honor
to experience the ministry
of a modern pioneer of the
gay movement.
Rev. Troy Perry
Founder of the
Worldwide Metropolitan Community Church
Los Angeles, CA
Saw you last night in
Mobile, Alabama. Just wanted
to say you were AWESOME.
Such a talent! I'm really
blown away by your gift.
Thank you for honoring the
call of Spirit within you to
serve people by shining your
light so brightly.... I was
honored to witness your
work. Thank you for such a
great experience in
opening my heart and spirit.
Rev. Jamie
Mobile, AL
ICONS: The Lesbian and Gay History of the World,
Vol. 1 is something every queer person should see.
LGBT history comes alive in a moving, witty and
humorous way. Jade Esteban Estrada does an
exceptional job offering up six different ICONS,
with six different stories and perspectives on LGBT
history. From Gertrude Stein's gruff recollection of
World War II to Sylvia Rivera's Nuyorican
perspective of the Stonewall Riots, Estrada reminds
us that we are all in this together: straight,
gay/lesbian, bisexual, transgendered..."It's not a
gay thing...it's a human thing.."And that is a
lesson we all need to be reminded of from time to
As a performer, Estrada is a joy to work with. All
the talent of a top-notch star, and the humility and
easy nature that wins audiences hearts. His
sincerity and care for each of the ICONS and the
audience members is enduring and adds to the overall
impression of the piece. You love the characters and
you love him. This makes for a memorable night of
high quality theatre. Half the fun is watching the
amazing transformations Estrada makes from light and
airy Sappho to impassioned Michelangelo; from the
witty Oscar Wilde to Gertrude Stein (with her
sensible shoes); But nothing is funnier than
Gertrude Stein in Sylvia Rivera's spike heels!
ICONS is a well-researched, informative, moving and
funny look at LGBT history. ICONS you know (and some
you don't know, but should) teach us about who we
are as people by offering us a look at some points
along the road to where we are today. Witty
monologues weave humor and history into a fun filled
evening of theatre. You'll find yourself humming the
songs after the lights come on and you've headed
home. ICONS is an important show that everyone in
the LGBT community should see.
Paul David Stanko
All God's Children Metropolitan Community Church
Minneapolis, MN