We are all very proud of your
achievements on tour.
Jeffrey G. Leeds
Managing Director of the
Fresh Fruit Festival
New York, NY
Congratulations, Jade on
celebrating 200 performances
of ICONS and for sharing
your beautiful talents on
our stage.
Trevor Keller
Suncoast Theatre
St. Petersburg, FL
The reason there's going to be a 2006 DecaFest is Jade. When I was
at Cynthia's in early June I had pretty
much decided there would not be enough
time to get anything ready for this
Labor Day and was thinking in terms of
2007. But, while there, I saw
"ICONS" and saw immediately how Jade's
show could be the nucleus of a wonderful
event to strengthen our community.
When Jade and I met and I told him how
strapped our community organizations
were, he replied that he wanted to help
us. He cleared his calendar to come to
New Orleans for five days.
You will find that he is not only a
very fine artist: he's a prince of a man
with a big heart who is dedicated to our
Roberts Batson
Producer of
DecaFest 2006: A Celebration of
New Orleans LGBTQ Culture
New Orleans, LA
During Pride, I finally
got to see Jade Esteban
Estrada's ICONS: The Lesbian
and Gay History of the
World, Vol. 1. I have no
words to describe how
amazing the show was. Jade
is an incredible character
actor, dancer, comic and
singer and this show is a
tour de force---even with
the wardrobe malfunction! A
friend of mine was so
impressed that he is
bringing Jade back for
ICONS: The Lesbian and Gay
History of the World, Vol. 2
on July 21st for Bear Jam
Freddy Freeman
Producer of Bearapalooza
Nashville, TN
Jade portrayed Gertrude Stein, Oscar Wilde, et al
with a fierceness that quite blew me away. A
must-see for how he brings intense life to these
LGBT icons, as well as for the shows entertaining
musical numbers.
John Chatterton
Producers of the Midtown International Theatre
York, NY
ICONS: The Lesbian and Gay History of the World,
Vol. 1 is something every queer person should see.
LGBT history comes alive in a moving, witty and
humorous way. Jade Esteban Estrada does an
exceptional job offering up six different ICONS,
with six different stories and perspectives on LGBT
history. From Gertrude Stein's gruff recollection of
World War II to Sylvia Rivera's Nuyorican
perspective of the Stonewall Riots, Estrada reminds
us that we are all in this together: straight,
gay/lesbian, bisexual, transgendered..."It's not a
gay thing...it's a human thing.."And that is a
lesson we all need to be reminded of from time to
As a performer, Estrada is a joy to work with. All
the talent of a top-notch star, and the humility and
easy nature that wins audiences hearts. His
sincerity and care for each of the ICONS and the
audience members is enduring and adds to the overall
impression of the piece. You love the characters and
you love him. This makes for a memorable night of
high quality theatre. Half the fun is watching the
amazing transformations Estrada makes from light and
airy Sappho to impassioned Michelangelo; from the
witty Oscar Wilde to Gertrude Stein (with her
sensible shoes); But nothing is funnier than
Gertrude Stein in Sylvia Rivera's spike heels!
ICONS is a well-researched, informative, moving and
funny look at LGBT history. ICONS you know (and some
you don't know, but should) teach us about who we
are as people by offering us a look at some points
along the road to where we are today. Witty
monologues weave humor and history into a fun filled
evening of theatre. You'll find yourself humming the
songs after the lights come on and you've headed
home. ICONS is an important show that everyone in
the LGBT community should see.
Paul David Stanko
All God's Children Metropolitan Community Church
Minneapolis, MN
Jade Esteban Estrada truly mesmerizes his audience
in his magnetic production of ICONS: The Lesbian and
Gay History of the World, Vol. 1, as we, the
audience and the participants, are drawn into a
world of ICONS who we know, but have never truly
grasped the magnitude of their contributions to
queer history and humanity.
Jade's masterful performance weaves a world, filled
with laughter, love and enlightenment where you were
able to feel the pulse, pain and joy of the ICONS he
embodies. You are left with no choice but to be
captivated and transported through the pages of
time, igniting a desire to learn more of our past,
cementing a pride in where we have come from vision
of where we are destined to go.
Through Jade's inconceivable artistry and flair, he
seduces you in a state of ecstasy where you are
hanging on his every word, simply begging for more.
Jason Relph
St. Augustine Pride 2004
Augustine, FL
It was through producing Jade Esteban Estrada's
ICONS: The Lesbian and Gay History of the World,
Vol. 1 that I realized how much times have changed.
Remember the 80s? When going to gay pride was a
risk? When if you were seen on TV there you might
lose your job? You were even afraid to say hi to
your boss, who was there for the same reason you
were! But it's different now. We are producing a gay
show and we are part of the mainstream.
We felt honored to have this level of talent on our
stage, as well as the message the show carried, that
gay people have made a difference in history since
the dawn of time--whether the people around them
knew it or not, we've been in the thick of it all.
Because the media covered Jade's performance
extensively, it made being gay feel "legit."
The fact that Jade's tour has brought this show to
to some smaller cities, like Cape Girardeau,
Missouri, and that it's even played in Peoria shows
that there is a new wave of acceptance and interest
in gay material. Years back folks would be afraid to
be seen walking in the door. I was probably one of
Watching this show made me realize that the world is
changing. We at Ragged Blade Productions enjoyed
laying some pavement in this changing landscape.
Jerry Rabushka
Ragged Blade Productions
Louis, MO
From the raucous Reggaeton infected presentation at
Ibizas on Wednesday night featuring up and coming
Boricua/Dominican star Luna Fina, the company
switched gears to welcome gay Latino performance
artist Jade Esteban Estrada at Wings Theatre in
Greenwich Village with a Jose Feliciano inspired
musical motif. (Estrada is also the host of the 10th
Annual Miss National Puerto Rican Day Parade Queen
2005 Cultural Pageant held today at Robert H. Lehman
Auditorium and has appeared on Comedy Central.)
The gracious Tex Mex powerhouse brought Sylvia
Rivera to life onstage to effectively compliment the
musical/word performance of El Extremes Electric
Drawing from his trilogy ICONS: The Lesbian and Gay
History of the World, Jade brought back to life the
Stonewall veteran Sylvia Rivera who helped instigate
the famous Stonewall Riots in 1969. Rivera died in
February 2002.
In the case of including Jade there was a natural
progression from El Extreme's impersonation of the
Nuyorican Cafe's gay cofounder Miguel Algarin ("We,
part of the avant guarde? My boy, this has been
going on for centuries in bistros and cafes alike!")
to Jade's creative interpretation of Stonewall's
Sylvia Rivera.
It was an honor for us to have Jade come on board
for the opening night at Wings Theatre.
Luis Chaluisan
Producer/Director of SPIC CHIC at the Wings Theatre
York, NY
Jade, thank you again so very much! I was thrilled
you were able to perform here in Knoxville!
Gary Elgin
Producer of Rainbow Awareness's Knoxville Comes Out!
Knoxville, TN
Jade Esteban Estrada's last visit was a huge success
not only for our community but for the Grace House,
too! A standing ovation says it all.
Jade weaves music and comedy to bring these gay and
lesbian ICONS (some well known and some that may
surprise you) to life in a colorful and entertaining
way that would make Broadway and history teachers
all drool.
Knol Aust
Producer of Unity Mississippi's Outoberfest 2005
Jackson, MS
The staff is still talking about your show and so
are the participants! They have never seen anything
like it before (except Aundaray who saw ICONS
already) and were amazed by the whole
performance--everyone including myself! You are so
very talented and creative and nice--amazing, yet a
rare combination! Thank you again for sharing with
all of us your wonderful creation and for being our
guest at Pride For Youth. The people here will never
forget what you gave us.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Michael Mantell
Pride For Youth/Long Island Crisis Center
Bellmore, NY
You were very well received when you came to
entertain us in the Quad Cities with your wonderful
show ICONS: The Lesbian and Gay History of the
World, Vol. 1. All that came to your show enjoyed it
immensely. We were wondering if you would stop by
the Quad Cities while in nearby Des Moines to
perform ICONS: The Lesbian and Gay History of the
World, Vol. 2 for us.
ICONS was extremely successful as a kick-off for our
Gay and Gray media campaign.
Stephanie Phillips/Joyce Wiley
Quad Citians Affirming Diversity
Island, IL