There's nothing like the original.


The Lesbian and Gay History of the World, Vol. 1

A solo musical comedy


Jade Esteban Estrada



Here you will find out what the educational system in the U.S. is saying about Volume 1 of the ICONS trilogy.


Jade Esteban Estrada
Jade Esteban Estrada poses at San Pedro Park in downtown San Antonio, Texas. Photograph by DANIEL W. TORRES


Jade's show is fabulous and very unique.

LGBT Center


Princeton, NJ


"Thank you Jade so much for making last Thursday evening amazing! I will tell you this...I really left the theatre with a better sense that it is ok to be gay. Just seeing historical figures through your eyes has made this passage a little more comical and concrete."

David West, President of PRIDE

Indianapolis, IN


Dear Jade: Time has sped by! It's been over a month since you were on our campus here at Wayne State College in Wayne, Nebraska. The IMPACT you made was big and several times over the students have indicated they would like you to appear again next school year. They also indicated that they would like to see both ICONS: The Lesbian and Gay History of the World, Vol. 1 and ICONS: The Lesbian and Gay History of the World, Vol. 2.

The students were impressed with the interactive nature of your performance. You brought the audience into history, to experience with you the magic of encountering real people through the generations. Your performance was brilliant in so many ways--the music, the lyrics, the costumes, the way that you transformed yourself into each of the characters you portrayed---amazing. The transitions that you made from one historical figure to the next highlighted the progress of humanity in coming to terms with itself. And you encouraged each member of the audience to consider personally the impact of icons on personal identity formation.

Your performance made the front page of the Wayne State College newspaper, the Wayne Stater, with what I thought was a great story and some excellent photos.

Thanks, Jade for the work that you do and the impact that you have on the culture as a whole. We look forward to your coming to our campus again.

Karen Granberg

PRIDE Co-Advisor


Wayne, NE



We enjoyed ICONS!

LGBT Center


Philadelphia, PA



A brilliant performance...

Multicultural Center


Eugene, OR



We really enjoyed your performance of ICONS: The Lesbian and Gay History of the World, Vol. 1 here in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. It was the most interesting portrayal of any gay theme I have ever seen---and hilarious as well! The community center is going great and we are planning a great big kick off for the Rainbow Alliance. Please keep us informed with ICONS 2 goes on tour. We would love to have you back here at Southeast Missouri State University.

Josh Rideout

Rainbow Alliance President


Cape Girardeau, MO



We are definitely planning on having Jade back again this year.

Fran McDaniel

Center for LGBT Concerns


Lewisburg, PA



In the spring of 2005, Nebraska Wesleyan University's campus LGBT organization, Plains Pride, had the privilege of hosting Jade Esteban Estrada at the 1500-seat O'Donnell Auditorium in Lincoln, Nebraska and I must tell you that it was an absolute pleasure. I had the benefit of a wonderful theatre and musical background in connecting with Jade. His work is of the highest quality.

Jade performed his show ICONS: The Lesbian and Gay History of the World, Vol. 1 and ICONS 2 to a large and enthusiastic crowd of several hundred people on a Monday night.

Considering the largely conservative student population, not to mention the outrageously red political color of the state, the size of this crowd was a miracle. As our organization has been going through a wonderful transformation over the couple of years, the performance culminated in a victorious celebration of LGBT icons from human history. This stunning historical journey was accomplished through musical and dramatic monologues, all of which featured a different character which Estrada brought alive before our very eyes.

The remarkable concept of Jade's performance provided the audience of collegiate students, faculty and Lincoln community members with a brilliant evening of entertainment. The music recorded prior to the show which Jade sang along was highly developed and showed musical development and pizzazz. This, combined with Jade's remarkable ability to seamlessly move from one character to another, provided our hearts and minds with equal opportunity for reflection.

While Jade's performance is in fact reward enough for the amount we paid, we got an added bonus. Jade is an extremely wonderful person and shared a great deal of his personal charm and compassionate self with the students in our group. We came away from this particular production experience with not only a great show, but a wonderful new friend.

Any group debating offering a concert opportunity for Jade should debate no more and book him immediately. The success of our event was so remarkable that we will be hosting a campus wide forum featuring Jade's performance of TransWorld! The Transgender History of the World. The group on campus looks forward to Jade's appearance at our campus as soon as possible.

His pioneering performance will continue to be used as an action to bring positive change to our campus and secure the rights of all individuals so that no LGBT person will ever feel like a second-class citizen.

Charles Johnston

Plains Pride President


Lincoln, NE



ICONS emphasizes the universality of each gay/lesbian ICONS's contribution to the world, the value contributed by each ICONS's life and thoughts--not just to GLBT people, but to all people.



Dekalb, IL



A wildly popular Latino artist...we were amazed by the versatility and talent of this man...

Midwest Bisexual, Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and Ally College Conference 2006


Sioux Falls, SD



A monumental success! Jade Esteban Estrada plays six ICONS in a truly spectacular theatrical performance. The show examines how these six unique individuals changed history for all human-kind and how they just happened to be queer.

LGBT Center


Bowling Green, OH

Sioux Falls, SD



A mesmerizing performance...

Multicultural Center


Bethlehem, PA





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Vicarious Productions   Copyright 2002-2006